Friday, March 17, 2006

FRIDAY FUN: Inside Scoop From 'Mars'

As you know, I was lucky enough to visit the set of Veronica Mars last month for the Veronica Mars Bloggers Press Day. While I was there with my fellow bloggers (see links to their blogs in the right column under "Veronica Mars Blogs"), we learned some interesting inside info on the show. Here are two fun anecdotes:

2 Racy 4 TV

The shirt pictured above was intended for one of the guest characters on Veronica Mars to wear in a flashback in an upcoming episode (2.18). Said character had a friends-with-benefits relationship with Dick Casablancas, so they thought it would be clever to have her wear this shirt. The censors at the network didn't find it as clever, so the shirt now reads "I (HEART) Dick Casablancas." Now when you see the episode and the amended shirt, you'll know the true story behind it.

Ode to a Dog?

The Lilly Kane Memorial Fountain is located at the entrance to Neptune High. On the fountain, is a nice engraved message in memorandum to the murdered Lilly. How nice, right? Well, the passage actually comes from an episode of Freaks and Geeks that aired on NBC back in 1999-2000. Except in the episode, the words are used for a eulogy for a dog!

And Finally...

I snapped this picture of Veronica's dresser with a photo of her and her mother Lianne during happier times. You know, before her mother sped out of Neptune to keep Clarence Wiedman from hurting Veronica, returned after Veronica's sleuthing found her on a bar stool in the middle of nowhere and then absconded with the reward money Veronica and Keith had gotten after finding Duncan for the Kanes. This is the same money that was supposed to be for Veronica's college fund after she used the original money to fund Lianne's (wasted) stint in an alcohol treatment facility. I guess we need to keep our fingers crossed that Veronica gets that Kane scholarship!

You can catch all new episodes of Veronica Mars every Wednesday after America's Next Top Model on UPN. Everyone from Buffy creator Joss Whedon to Clerks director Kevin Smith to author Stephen King is watching. Shouldn't you? And be sure to check back here Monday for the latest edition of Pass the Remote and next Friday for another installment of Friday Fun! Have a great weekend everyone!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

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