Tuesday, May 16, 2006

BREAKING UPFRONTS NEWS: 'Veronica' Renewed, 'Everwood' Most likely Not

From TVGuide.com's Mike Ausiello:
It's Official: Veronica Mars Renewed, Everwood Dead
Straight from the horse's mouth, Rob Thomas just e-mailed me to confirm that Veronica Mars has been renewed for a third season. The show got a 22-episode order that, depending on ratings, can be reduced to 13. Very reliable sources, meanwhile, are also telling me that One Tree Hill will be back and Everwood is, in fact, dead. Talk about injustice.

Talk about your bittersweet news! I'm so excited about the full season pick up for VM, and so crushed about Everwood's cancellation. And a big Boo! to One Tree Hill's possible renewal!

1 comment:

  1. I know. Sorry, I thought I linked his name. It's fixed now.
