Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Flashback to 'Mars:' Pilot! Plus Hall of Fame Inductees and the Amy Awards

Since it's summer and we're not getting any new episodes of our favorite shows, I thought it would be fun to revisit some old favorites. All summer long, I'll be discussing "classic" episodes of your favorite shows like Cold Case, Everwood and today's entry Veronica Mars. So while you're holed up in your air conditioned homes and work places trying to keep from being overcome by this tremendous heat, you can sit back and let your mind take a vacation to Nostalgia Lane with these oldie but goodie episodes. I'll be discussing old VM episodes every Tuesday, so be sure to tune in each week for these classic memories. Today, we're going all the way back to the beginning with the episode that started it all.

As a rule, pilots tend to be one of the weaker episodes of a series' franchise. They're designed to introduce you to the characters, their history and to set up future story lines, so the whole process tends to resemble an assembly line. Fortunately, most viewers realize this fact and tune in for future episodes before they decide to keep or dump a new show. No such process was needed with Veronica Mars. The show was off to a running start with so much intrigue and interesting characters that it was impossible not to be hooked from the very first frame of video, and this is why the Pilot episode of VM is still one of my all-time favorite episodes from this series. We meet Veronica as she's staking out Neptune's seediest motel: The Camelot. She's trying to find out who software billionaire Jake Kane is meeting for a little rendezvous instead of going home to his wife and son. The next thing we know, we're transplanted into the world of Neptune High School where we, along with Veronica, meet Wallace for the first time. We're suddenly very aware that the same girl scoping out the seedy Camelot Motel is just your average high school girl who's struggling to survive in the adolescent world of bully or be bullied. Veronica refuses to participate in either, so she often finds herself on the wrong side of most of the school's cliques. Yes, Neptune High is high school at its crappy best, and Veronica is the voice of the unpopular. But things didn't used to be this way for her. She used to be popular and she used to date one of Neptune High's most eligible: Duncan Kane, son of that software billionaire Veronica was tracking in the opening scene.

Veronica's fall from grace, if you will, is not your typical high school story. Her best friend Lilly Kane (yes, of the infamous Kanes) was murdered at her parents' backyard swimming pool, but what took Veronica from the world of the "09ers" to ridiculed high school student was her sheriff father's investigation that pointed right back to Jake Kane. Her mother skipped out on the family, Duncan skipped out on Veronica and things went from bad to worse at school with the culmination taking place at Shelly Pomroy's end of the year bash where Veronica was drugged and raped. Meanwhile, there was a new sheriff in town and he quickly arrested a former Kane Software employee, Able Kuntz, for the murder of Lilly Kane, but Veronica and Keith knew it was all too good to be true. So, who killed Lilly Kane? That was the central mystery of season 1, and one of the most gripping and engrossing questions that television has ever asked. Its answer was as complex as this show's intricate storytelling, and I mean that in a good way. And who raped Veronica at Shelly Pomroy's party? This is another complex answer that will surprise you twice (although, you'll have to wait for season two for the second surprise). These two questions from the pilot led to one of the best seasons of any show in the history of television and they took viewers for quite a ride! Let's not forget the show's first question, what is going on at The Camelot between Jake Kane and a mystery woman and who is the mystery woman? Even this question will manage to take you by surprise. The Pilot is beautiful, haunting, moving, funny and inspiring all in one, and it's a definite "Can't Miss" for anyone who enjoys quality television. You can view the pilot episode for yourself by purchasing the season 1 DVD set. If you'd like to try something a little cheaper, check your local library. Fans of the show have been donating DVD sets of season 1 to local libraries across the country. You can also rent the set from Netflix. All of the screen caps in this edition are from a wonderful site called VM-Caps.com, which has screen caps from every Mars episode to date!

In other Mars news, you have a chance to meet the "Men From Mars!" That's right, the fan-run site Cloudwatchers is raffling off two weekend passes (courtesy of Booster Entertainment) to the BE Blowout at the Burbank Hilton in Burbank, California. The event takes place from August 18th-20th and features Mars' Jason Dohring (Logan), Michael Muhney (Sheriff Lamb) and Francis Capra (Weevil). Each raffle ticket will only set you back $10, and all of the money will go toward Cloudwatchers' DVD Campaign. The winning passes will get you:
An autograph from all regular headlining guests, assigned seating, admission to all question and answer sessions, commentaries, fan panels, dance and all other free events. Also included in this package is a Men are From Mars photo shoot, with Jason Dohring, Francis Capra, Michael Muhney and the two winning attendees. Both attendees will receive a copy of the photo.
So, what are you waiting for? Click on over to Cloudwatchers' Raffle Site and purchase as many tickets as you want. The raffle closes August 1st. This is a great way to help the show reach more viewers! For more on the event, visit Booster Entertainment.


*Actor William Shatner, former NBC News anchor Tom Brokaw, sitcom director James Burrows (Taxi, Friends, Will & Grace), TV producer Leonard Goldberg and host Regis Philbin are the latest inductees into the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences' Hall of Fame. The organization, which is also responsible for the famed Emmy Awards, chooses its inductees based on "a lifetime of excellence and [it] is a special recognition for those who have made significant contributions that will leave an indelible mark on the television business" according to chairman Dick Askin, who made the announcement Monday. Askin went on to say, "This year's inductees have each helped shape our industry and serve as inspiration for everyone involved in our business. It is an honor to recognize their careers and we are pleased to welcome them into our Hall of Fame."

*And finally, it's time for you to nominate your favorite shows and stars for the annual Amy Awards at Zap2it. The 12 categories, chosen from your submissions last week, include Floor, Please Give Me My Jaw Back (a.k.a. Most Shocking Moment), Let's Lemon Law This (a.k.a. Worst Show), They May Take Our Shows But They'll Never Take Our Love for Them (a.k.a. Show that Ended/Was Canceled Way Too Soon), I Wouldn't Buy That If It Was on Sale (a.k.a. Worst Story line or Plot Twist), The Awards Shows Don't Love You But We Do (a.k.a. Most Underrated Cast or Actor) and It's Like a Freaking Car Wreck (a.k.a. Best Guilty Pleasure). You can nominate up to 5 shows/stars for each category and the top nomination getters will vie for the category next week. The nomination process closes this Thursday, June 22nd at 9 p.m. (EST), so get those submissions in!

To get more of today's biggest TV news and headlines, visit the TV News section at PassTheRemote.Net.

That's all for today. Be sure to tune in tomorrow for the next set of PTR's Best Episodes of the '05-'06 TV Season! We'll take a close look at numbers 28-26 on the list that feature a pint-sized suspect, clouded judgment and withholding pertinent information. Plus, all the latest television news! And coming later this week, an exclusive interview with an artist who has written and produced more than 250 songs for television and film, including a Pass the Remote favorite! Find out his take on the relationship between a hit series and music, his experience with Don Henley and much, much more! That's later this week on Pass the Remote.

To get more television coverage, including the network's new fall schedules and a complete archive of the best of Pass the Remote with a photo gallery featuring pictures from the set of Veronica Mars, click on over to PassTheRemote.net.


  1. Thanks for the great VM review ;). I always feel like I'm missing out by not watching that show. So do the viewers ever find out WHO drugged and raped her, and why? If you do know, don't post it here--PM me. :) Thanks

  2. I didn't know you had already promoted the raffle! Silly me, sending you that update the other day...

    THANK YOU. And just so you know, we have a new website (courtesy of the marsinvestigations.net folks):


    ~ Spadada
