Wednesday, August 02, 2006
PTR Abridged: The Countdown Rolls On! Plus CBS Premieres
After an unexpected week off thanks to the lack of Internet access at my new place thus far, PTR’s countdown of The Best Episodes of the Season continues today with three more entries on the list. We’re cracking the Top 15 today, which means that we’re only 2 weeks away from the exciting Top 10! For those who are new to the countdown, here is a refresher of the rules that I employed to determine the 31 episodes that compose this summer-long countdown. All of the shows and their episodes are from NETWORK television only, meaning that I did not take any cable series into consideration (since I only watch a few and felt that it would be unfair). All episodes aired between September 2005 and June 2006. Each episode that made the final list moved me in some way; either by making me laugh out loud, cry my eyes out or just left me with that "wow" feeling that stays with you for a few days. So basically, it's completely subjective! This is a summer-long countdown, so I will reveal a few episodes each week all summer until we reach the #1 episode of the past season. Be sure to tune in each Wednesday to see the next set of episodes to make the list. Here’s a closer look at numbers 16-14.
16: “Man of Science, Man of Faith” - Lost
The pivotal season premiere that set the tone of this show’s second season also set up the showdown between the science-based Jack and the faith-based Locke. It was a division between the two leaders that we would see continue throughout the season as Locke held fast until his crisis of faith later in the season. This is also the episode where we, along with the survivors, get to descend into the mysterious hatch that launched a thousand questions. We learn about Desmond, but not much else, and we're not even sure who he is when the episode ends. The hatch mythology was my favorite part of this show's second season, so starting it off with nothing but hatch, was pure brilliance and the reason why this one is on the list. Written by Damon Lindelof and directed by Jack Bender.
15: “Everybody Hates the Lottery” - Everybody Hates Chris
This hilarious comedy’s funniest episode of the season came in the form of chocolate turtles. After Julius insists that Rochelle give them up because money is tight and they cost too much, Rochelle decides that Julius has to sacrifice something as well. She finds out that he loves to play the lottery, so she bargains her turtles for his lottery games. They both agree to give up their respective expensive addictions, but each continues to carry them on in secret. They both catch each other, and decide once and for all to give up their respective bad habits. The episode is at its most hilarious when Rochelle begins going through withdrawals from the lack of turtles. It culminates in a hysterical dinner scene when she can’t get her sugary drink sweet enough. She continues to add sugar and becomes more and more “wired” on the sweet stuff. Chris’ narration equates his mother to a drug addict, and the scene keeps getting funnier and funnier. For any of us who have ever given up something in the sugar or chocolate family, it’s a relatable experience played up for laughs, and isn’t that what good comedy should be? Written by Rodney Barnes and directed by Malcolm D. Lee.
14: “Joseph” - Cold Case
You may be scratching your head right now as to how this particular episode of the hit crime drama received such a high ranking, but it’s the character growth and change that we see in Lilly that gives this episode its compelling quality and launches it further up the countdown than expected. Sure, the case was weak in this one, but it had to be. For the first time in the show’s history, the case took a back seat to the personal storyline that ran parallel to it. Lilly had spent an entire season re-evaluating her personal life and the decisions that she has made to influence it. She became more aware of the fact that she always let her career overshadow her personal life, and she wanted to change it. She admitted in an earlier episode that people might think that she can’t change, but she can. Her seemingly crazy behavior with Joseph was her way of proving herself right. Maybe she didn’t make the right decisions and went a little too far (almost blowing the case), but the character decided to follow her heart for once, and that showed more growth than the previous seasons combined. Now, all we need is to watch Lilly skirt the delicate line between her career and her new relationship with Joseph next season. Written by Liz Garcia and Andrea Newman and directed by Roxann Dawson. (Picture courtesy Kathryn Morris Online).
So, there's a closer look at #16-14. What did you think about them? Do you agree? Disagree? Drop me a comment with your thoughts. If you missed #31-20 or just want to revisit them, click HERE (click HERE to see #19-17). Be sure to tune in next week as we reveal the next three episodes on the list including the final episode of a much lauded series, a countdown debut and a usually light show that takes a heavy turn with an emotional episode.
*CBS is premiering 20 of its 22 shows during Premiere Week next month. The Eye network announced today that the bulk of its schedule will make its debut during the season's official Premiere Week September 18th through the 24th. Look for both Survivor and The Amazing Race to break out early with special premieres the week before the official start. Here's a breakdown of your favorite CBS shows and their respective season/series premiere dates (PTR featured shows are bolded):
Thursday, Sept. 14
8:00-9:00 PM SURVIVOR: COOK ISLANDS (Premiere)
Sunday, Sept. 17
8:30-10:00 PM THE AMAZING RACE 10 (Premiere)
Monday, Sept. 18
8:00-8:30 PM THE CLASS (Series Premiere)
8:30-9:00 PM HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER (2nd Season Premiere)
9:00-9:30 PM TWO AND A HALF MEN (4th Season Premiere)
9:30-10:00 PM THE NEW ADVENTURES OF OLD CHRISTINE (2nd Season Premiere)
10:00-11:00 PM CSI: MIAMI (5th Season Premiere)
Tuesday, Sept. 19
8:00-9:00 PM NCIS (4th Season Premiere)
9:00-10:00 PM THE UNIT (2nd Season Premiere)
10:00-11:00 PM SMITH (Series Premiere)
Wednesday, Sept. 20
8:00-9:00 PM JERICHO (Series Premiere)
9:00-10:00 PM CRIMINAL MINDS (2nd Season Premiere)
10:00-11:00 PM CSI: NY (3rd Season Premiere)
Thursday, Sept. 21
9:00-10:00 PM CSI: CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATION (7th Season Premiere)
10:00-11:00 PM SHARK (Series Premiere)
Friday, Sept. 22
8:00-9:00 PM GHOST WHISPERER (2nd Season Premiere)
9:00-10:00 PM CLOSE TO HOME (2nd Season Premiere)
10:00-11:00 PM NUMB3RS (3rd Season Premiere)
Saturday, Sept. 23
10:00-11:00 PM 48 HOURS MYSTERY (Season Premiere)
Sunday, Sept. 24
7:00-8:00 PM 60 MINUTES (39th Season Premiere)
8:00-9:00 PM THE AMAZING RACE 10 (Time Period Premiere)
9:00-10:00 PM COLD CASE (4th Season Premiere)
10:00-11:00 PM WITHOUT A TRACE (5th Season Premiere)
Since I have such limited access to the Internet, I won’t be covering all of the day’s top television news stories until I get my Internet hooked up. Be sure to click over to to get all of the latest news.
That’s all for today. Be sure to tune in tomorrow for another Flashback Edition featuring an episode of Cold Case that received its classic status from one snow-filled scene.
To get more television coverage, including the network's new fall schedules and a complete archive of the best of Pass the Remote with a photo gallery featuring pictures from the set of Veronica Mars, click on over to
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