Thursday, September 14, 2006

SPECIAL EDITION: Writers Wanted!

Pass the Remote is looking for a few good staff writers for the new season! The requirements are simple: You gotta love television and you gotta love writing about television. I'm looking for people who are willing to dedicate themselves to the blog and their assigned shows. Responisibilities include:

*Watching your assigned shows each week and writing witty things about them for PTR

*Keeping on top of all of the news on your assigned show (I will give you links for this part)

*Participation in panel topics. These include this past summer's countdown of the best episodes, huge events like the Emmys and the Network Upfronts and other group efforts.

Pass the Remote has been run solely by me for the past year, but I feel that it's time to branch out because I can only watch so many shows and write so many thoughts a day. PTR is published M-F (so you'll get weekends off), and it is not ad-supported, so it makes no money. In other words, this job doesn't pay anything except fun and loyal readers.

Here's a list of shows that I need covered by my new staff writers:

Prison Break
Gilmore Girls
Without a Trace
Desperate Housewives
and a co-writer for Lost

If you are interested in applying for a writer position for any of these shows, please email me with the list of shows you can cover at:

Questions? Send them my way at the above email address. I'm looking forward to expanding PTR with more coverage of your favorite shows and more writers!

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