Rapper Kevin Federline guest stars on last night's CSI on CBS (Photo: Robert Voets/CBS. ©2006 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved)
Thanks for the nightmares, CSI! And I'm not sure whether I'm hoping this "fannysmackin'" is real or just a figment of CSI's warped imagination. If it's real, I'm never visiting Las Vegas, but if they made it up, I'm worried that they just gave some bored Las Vegas teens a new form of "entertainment." I'm just not a fan of scary masks, contacts, etc. Every time they showed one of those kids, I freaked out, and that was from the safety of my own living room. As far Mr. Britney Spears is concerned, no surprise that
'Earl' Goes to the Cats
We all have our break-up rituals, so it's no surprise that our favorite TV characters do as well. Veronica Mars likes to lie on the floor and wallow in self pity while listening to The Virgin Suicides soundtrack, Lilly Rush buries herself in her work and reflects on what went wrong while lying in bed alone (again) at night, and My Name is Earl's Randy takes his boombox everywhere so he can listen to Cyndi Lauper's "Time After Time," well, time after time. In a hilarious montage of break-up clips from relationships past, we watched as Randy listened to the song in the rain, the hotel room he and Earl call home, the Crab Shack, and Earl and Joy's bed. Randy is nothing if not a creature of habit. So, when he began dating the cat lady and pretended to be someone who he's not once again, Earl got understandably worried. This time, things were different, though. Instead of continuing to be someone who he wasn't, Randy came clean and his new love accepted him for him. There was only one problem -- he didn't like her for her. She was treating him like a cat, so Randy decided to cut the leash (literally!). If you missed Randy's break-up montage, or just want to see it again, click on over to nbc.com to watch it now for free.
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I'm so glad I decided to watch Earl this season! It's been a blast so far!