Tuesday, November 07, 2006

'Heroes' Gets Explosive

Quick poll: would the ability to hear what others are thinking be an awesome power or a major hindrance? After watching Matt grapple with it last night, I'm beginning to believe the latter. Sure, you'd want to know that your spouse was cheating on you, but finding out the way he did, when he did is certainly not the best. His power did come in handy when he could hear what the comatose woman was thinking, and he related the message to the woman's husband (quelling an increasingly bad situation). And it seems that the husband may be a hero himself. Not only was he radioactive, but also he had a small mark at the right side of the base of his neck just like Matt. We know that Claire's father had Matt for sometime, so perhaps, he implanted a tracking device into him (and this man as well). If so, then maybe he isn't behind these vicious killings after all? That remains to be seen at this point. Speaking of Claire, she has all sorts of problems now that her brother knows about her indestructibility. We can only hope that he doesn't tell anyone, but that seems unlikely.

I still can't figure out whether Niki's power is good or bad. I know it's supposed to be good, but it seems to only bring her more trouble and pain. We did get a sneak peak at what Micah is capable of when he managed to get an "Out of Order" pay phone working. D.L. is a mystery as well. He used his power for bad with Niki, and then for good with complete strangers in a car accident. I always forget to mention this, but I have to give huge props to the special effects department on this show for Hiro's awesome time stopping moments. How incredible was that frozen car explosion last night??!! It was nice to see Hiro have a chance to renew his faith in himself. Isaac and his paintings were missing thanks to Eden, who is working for Claire's dad. Meanwhile, Peter tried to locate the other painting, and helped his brother out in the process. But why did Nathan lie and say that he wasn't able to get the painting for him? That painting is so important because it's the key to saving the cheerleader, and therefore, the world. Somebody get that painting stat!

If you missed last night's episode, you can watch it for free at nbc.com. All of the photos in this edition are courtesy of nbc.com.

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