Wednesday, December 06, 2006

The Girls Show Off Their 'Merry Fisticuffs'

By Turtlemama
PTR Staff Writer

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Last night's introduction left me screaming in my head "NO! NO! Lorelei can't leave Stars Hollow!" Then I realized that they wouldn't have a show if Lorelei left Stars Hollow, so I just enjoyed their commercial-esque dialogue and went with it.

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The episode really begins with Liz bringing Doola (ha! That still cracks me up!) into the diner and showing her off. Then she puts the baby carrier on the counter and exclaims to Luke “Ok, I’ll be back in an hour!” and off she goes…
Luke with a baby at the diner! HA! I wish that he would have put a little cook’s hat on her and given her a pen over her ear! Heeee! We could have called her ‘Flo’.

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Next we move on to Lorelei arriving at Emily’s house and of course Emily must throw Lorelei a lavish wedding…and of course Lorelei doesn’t want one. The dialogue between the wedding planner and Lorelei was excellent! Classic Lorelei to be sure!

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On to the meat of the episode; Christopher and Lorelei are at Dooce’s market getting groceries. And I just have to say; Dooce’s had Eukanuba dog food and a HUGE bag of Friskies cat food; in a small town? I can only find Eukanuba in the vet’s office and at big, box pet stores and my town is ten times the size of Stars Hollow. I think I want to move to Stars Hollow, too bad it doesn’t exist.
Lorelei goes outside to wait and find Luke with Doula walking past. Lorelei visits with them when Christopher comes out and acts a bit jealous.

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Finally, on to Rory… Logan is visiting Rory at Yale (Interesting that Logan wasn’t in England for very long…I didn’t think that would last very long, but I sort of wished they would have brought Dean back…but that’s just me) and they meet up with Lucy and Marty. Does Lucy annoy anyone else other than me? Her acting isn’t that great and it’s like nails on a chalkboard when she calls Marty ‘boyfriend’ ack! Anyway, Lucy invites Rory and Logan out to dinner with her and Marty and it’s a date! Then Rory needs to explain to Logan that Marty doesn’t want Lucy to know that he knew Rory before he met Lucy. Logan doesn’t like it and….*drumroll* is jealous! But the date is set, and we’re all waiting in anticipation for the coming scenes.

I like how Rory and Lorelei’s storylines are always parallel to one another each episode…Logan is jealous of Marty and Rory, and Christopher is jealous of Luke and Lorelei. It helps to keep things in order and keep up with the conflict, you know?

Ok, now on to Lorelei and Christopher’s scene in bed that night…I don’t think I know many men that would throw out, in the middle of the night, “Hey! Let’s have a kid!” and then get mad when the chick says “Well, ok, but not right now!” Wouldn’t you want to figure out where the kid will sleep, at least? Lorelei said that she didn’t want to leave Stars Hollow or her house and her house has a whole 2 bedrooms. Do the math… 2 adults, 1.5 kids (Rory is part-time) plus another baby (with a LOT of stuff) equals a LOT of room that Lorelei’s current home doesn’t allow. Not to mention that you might want to discuss your parenting styles and all that. You know, make sure that you two won’t be at odds with one another every day for the rest of your lives. It just seems that the storyline with Christopher and Lorelei has forced conflict. Conflict should flow and ease into the situation, not just be thrown in at some inopportune time.

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Luke needs an attorney; his baby’s momma is a wench at times….which we saw when Lorelei went to introduce herself so that Luke could see April unsupervised. The woman wouldn’t let Luke see his own daughter with Lorelei around, and then went off on Lorelei when they met at Anna’s shop…past behavior…future outcomes… Glad he did finally get an attorney; now this will be an interesting storyline.

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I’m still trying to find out why Lucy had such a crazed reaction to finding out that Marty and Rory knew each other. I mean I can see being irked that your boyfriend and friend didn’t tell you that they knew each other, but I would have asked why and then, oh I don’t know…waited for a response BEFORE making a scene and running out of the restaurant. I just don’t get it.

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The fistfight in the town square with the Christmas Carols playing in the background…HIL-ARI-OUS!! And how they ended it was PERFECT! Just walking away like they did! That was a great scene! Merry Christmas!

Emily’s ambush of Lorelei was really what Lorelei needed. Emily gave her some sage advice; I hope Lorelei heeds her mother’s wisdom and tries to be a little selfless now and again. As much as I love Lorelei, she really can be selfish and uncompromising at times.

I saw glimmers of hope here and there in this episode, I really hope that the writing slows down a bit and stops forcing conflict onto Lorelei and then just creating it out of the blue for Rory…I mean the conflict with Lucy and Rory about the Marty stuff, it just seems unrealistic. These are Yale students, meaning they aren’t community college drop-outs who react without thinking…these people got into their current situation by using their brains. The situation just seems forced to me, but again maybe I’m a hardcore fan who doesn’t like much change.


  1. Everything with Lorelei and Christopher feels forced now -- ever since they eloped. That jealousy fight was crazy and it really grated on my nerves. I agree that Lucy overreacted. I still don't know what the big deal was about Marty knowing Rory. Loved the scenes with Emily.

  2. I heard through the grapevine that there again will be a Luke and Loralei. So I guess all this forced conflict is the beginning of the unraveling of Loralei and Christopher. We have to remember that we don't have the Palladinos any more. I guess we have to take what we can get. It's better than no Gilmore Girls at all.
    That's the way I see it anyway.
