Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Claire's Father Figure

So, NBC had been teasing the big "Daddy Reveal" on Heroes for a week, and I'll admit -- I was dying to know the identity of Claire's real father. I was pretty sure it was going to be HRG because he seemed like the least likely viable suspect (and you know these shows love to shock us), but Nathan Petrelli was a much better pick! We know that he likes his indiscretions, so it's totally plausible that he'd have a teenager daughter out there from one of them. I think we can all lay to rest the notion that Peter and Claire are going to hook up since she's now his niece! And I know that I'm not the only one who thinks the fact that Claire should have died in a fire and her real mother can start a fire with her fingers is a mere coincidence. I'm just not so sure that meeting mommy was the best idea. HRG has kept his daughter away from her birth parents for a reason. Speaking of HRG, I wasn't sure how he was going to get out of his self-built prison (and I'm still not sure how he did, but minor detail). I wasn't so sure that Claire's adoptive mom would live to see another episode when Sylar showed up at her house. How creepy is it that he can go from sweet boy next door to homicidal maniac in a fraction of a second?! Definitely one of the best bad guys ever!

Meanwhile, Peter continued to figure out how to use his power on his terms. Invisible Man decided to throw him off the roof in a sink or swim move that found Peter sinking more than swimming. So maybe he didn't use his ability to fly in order to save himself, but he did call on the power to regenerate by thinking about Claire and how he felt when he used it with her. As Invisible said, it's a start. Lock your doors, stay inside and don't make any sudden moves because Niki/Jessica is out of jail!! I'm still trying to figure out how her power is an advantage because it seems like nothing other than a hindrance and burden. One thing's for sure, she is going to owe Linderman for the rest of her life. Sometimes your "Get Out of Jail Free" card just isn't worth it!

If you missed tonight's episode, you can watch it for free at nbc.com. All of the photos in this edition are courtesy of nbc.com.

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  1. Having missed the beginning shows of the season,I was wondering what HRG stands for?

  2. HRG = Horned Rim Glasses (a.k.a. Claire's father). It's a term coined by either the show's producers or fans, but it has never been used on the show.
