Lost took a closer look this week at what happened when Desmond turned the key and the hatch imploded in last season's finale. Here's what
Turtlemama and I have to say:
TVFan says: I would like to thank this episode for finally narrowing down what it is about
Lost that's so damn frustrating! I used to tell myself that it was the lack of answers, but the show does give us bits and pieces (not a bad method). Or perhaps, it's focus on Jack, Kate and Sawyer and their adventures on The Others' island, but this week finally took us back to the original survivors and I was still frustrated. And then the episode ended and I realized this series' biggest problem is that it
to give us answers while really confusing us more. There are no words to express my disappointment at the Desmond/key/hatch implosion "reveal." Did we learn why Des, Locke and others were able to survive the implosion?? No! Instead, we got a confusing "flashback" of Desmond's life flashing before his eyes and how it gave him the ability to see his
entire life (including his future). The most haunting moment came at the end when he revealed that Charlie is going to die. Desmond has simply been buying him time by saving him from every curve ball that death throws. Of course,
Lost time is not the same as our time, so it could be seasons before Charlie actually dies, but the info was interesting none the less. Why can't the writers ever give us anything concrete? Why this cloak and dagger routine every frikkin' week?! Maybe I'm not cut out to be a
Lost fan (a conclusion that seems more like a reality with each passing episode). I know one thing, watching a TV show shouldn't be this frustrating! I'll keep hoping that we get less convoluted answers in the future, for now anyway.
Turtlemama says: I'm lost in a sea of digital
entertainment, but I'll be back next week with witty commentary and
If you missed this week's episode, you can watch it for free at
abc.com. The screencaps in this edition are courtesy of
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Amen to that commentary!!