Friday, March 16, 2007

Claire Finds her 'Lost' Father

Lost survivors found a killer security system while Claire met her dad for the first time. Here's what Turtlemama and I have to say:

Turtlemama says: What was that? Could it be? Was it really a GOOD episode of Lost??? We’ve seen so little this season that I was in shock; hope I can remember it all.

Claire thought to send a rescue note on the tag of a seagull (who tags seagulls anymore, are they the sewer rats of the beach? Maybe I haven’t been buffing up on my National Geographic lately…I should do that). Through the whole seagull storyline she finally found out about Desmond’s premonitions that Charlie is going to die. They also sent a note on with a seagull…we’ll see what happens, but I’m not holding my breath…for all we know the seagull tags are from ‘The Others’.

Speaking of ‘The Others’ Kate, Sayid, and Locke all made it to ‘The Others’ camp. There they found Jack playing football with…burly dude, what’s his name? There are too many names to keep up with. Which was quite interesting…so, Jack is freed and is he now considered one of ‘The Others’ or is he just a guest? Maybe he has what it takes to be an ‘Other;?

I’m fairly convinced that the camp and ‘The Others’ are all a top secret operation funded by the government or something just as conspiracy theory-esque. That’s why they were so hostile to the crash victims. But it doesn’t really explain taking the children and saying they did it because they were without sin. It’s like the writers wanted ‘The Others’ to be religious fanatics, but then decided that scientists would be a better choice? It’s pretty odd…and I hope they clean it up soon, because their story isn’t flowing very well, but it is interesting. That’s probably what they were banking on; “Make it interesting! Then the viewers won’t notice the indiscretions!”

Next week is all about Locke….I can’t wait! Locke is made of many layers that we haven’t seen yet. We know he had a hard childhood and early adulthood and we’re pretty sure he didn’t turn out to be a psychotic serial killer who eats kittens. So, what is his real story? I want to know! I don’t think he’s as boring as he seems. What do you think about Locke and the reason for ‘The Others’ to be on the island…Government Conspiracy or Whacked Rich Dude with too much money using people as guinea pigs? Locke: wants to be with ‘The Others’ so he feels a sense of belonging or Crazed dude who needs some therapy and a beer?

TVFan says: And we're back to the problem of not ever believing Lost when it gives us some (extremely vague) answers. For instance, can we believe Eye Patch Man when he says that the survivors are flawed, too angry, etc. to understand The Others and why they don't want to go back? Even if it's the truth, does it really tell us anything? No, but you know what? I don't care. I don't care anymore because I've come to the conclusion that there are no answers, no payoff, so why bother looking for them? I'm trying just to watch Lost for the show it really is: an excellent character drama that poses questions it never intends to answer. My new philosophy on this show has made it much more enjoyable. This week, I was riveted by the sonic security system, and how Sayid, Kate, Jack and Rousseau were going to get over it. Claire is one of my faves, so I enjoyed her backstory. I had my suspicions about Claire's mom and Jack's dad prior to this episode (the show alluded to it in one of Ana-Lucia's flashbacks last season), so the big daddy reveal wasn't as shocking as it might have been. Still puts an interesting twist on things on the island, especially since neither knows about it. And then there was Locke's bizarre behavior. He may not have known that the security system would kill Eye Patch Man, but I don't think he cared if it did. It seemed to me that he was trying to protect his wheelchair past, and Eye Patch somehow knew about it. Why is he carrying around C4??!! The night's biggest shocker, though, came at the very end when Kate and co. found Jack, except he didn't look like the captive that needed rescuing. Instead, he was playing football and laughing and having fun. Was Jack brainwashed or are things not as they seem. Since this is Lost, I'm going with the latter, but I'm not holding my breath for the answer.

If you missed this week's episode, you can watch it for free at The screencaps in this edition are courtesy of

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