Cold Case does a nice job with the Mean Girls theme. One of my all-time fave episodes dealt with a darling middle school girl who died after several classmates tormented her for being "fat" (she was tiny), wearing glasses, and being different. To this day, that victim is still one of my favorites. Last night's outing was another strong showing on the subject. Girls can be absolutely brutal to one another, even the ones we consider our friends. I was a junior in high school in 1997, so this one was very relevant for me, and I thought that the show did a nice job capturing the essence of my high school years (although I should say, the popular crowd at my school wasn't as cruel as most, and certainly not as cruel as this bunch). Cheerleading was everything, and like Rainey and Celeste, I tried out for the squad to gain a sense of belonging to the "right" crowd (I, however, did not make it). Now, almost 10 years after I graduated, I can sit back and realize how silly everything is in high school. Watching this episode drove that home a little harder. As Joe said, it's only high school. Speaking of which, how fun was it to hear about all of our favorites detectives' experiences? I can picture Lilly as a tough cookie with a little bit of insecurity thrown in, but Vera as a star wrestler and Kat as a dork surprised me. The pictures at the end were priceless!!
This was another one of those "accidental murders" where the killer (in this case Celeste and Becca) accidentally murdered the victim (in this case Rainey). Nobody meant to give her a beer with too much GHB in it, but then nobody did anything after it happened. So, Becca and Celeste aren't exactly murderers, but they're not exactly innocent either. It's another one of those gray areas that this show loves to play in, along with the idea that the killer is also a victim. Becca was sort of all the mean girls of the world rolled into a single person. Her assessment of The Gap resizing their clothes "to make fat people feel good" was the essence of bitchiness. While Celeste was the "ugly, fat girl" who blossoms into a swan and never wants to return to her pre-popular days. Sadly, schools are littered with both types. Things I liked about this one: the guest characters, the notion that it's OK to stand out, the detectives' high school stories, the gray area, Lilly getting feisty with the suspects ("Don't move a muscle, Bitch" and "Got a real problem with keeping that thing in your pants") among others. Things I didn't like: the older Becca. She seemed a little too old and she lacked the edge that the younger one played to perfection. The actresses looked alike, but the older one was lacking everything that made the younger one so deliciously despicable. Overall though, this was another win for Cold Case, moving it to 17-2-1 on the season.
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I think the older actress was supposed to be that way to show that she had primed in high school. Once it was over, so was she. Lilly pointed that out her in the end. But she did seem a little on the old side. It was a good episode.