Saturday, May 05, 2007

Eliot's Rules of Engagement

JD has always been one of those people who wants something until he gets it. This is particularly true when it comes to Eliot, so it's no surprise that he now finds himself in the awkward position of feeling sorry for himself while his best friend is floating on cloud 9 (and why cloud 9, by the way? Why not 8 or 10 or even 2??). I'd feel sorry for him except he's the one who had Eliot and dumped her like she never even mattered. Foolish, foolish boy. Anyway, there were plenty of funny things to distract us from JD's pity party (which, BTW, had a fabulous soundtrack - more on that later). We had Eliot planning her own perfect engagement, Jordan's Botox-ed armpit (no sweat!), the "John Dorian 3 Step Seduction Plan," everyone's images of marrying Eliot, JD's non-twin, and Janitor's "God is watching" trick. Now, here's a look at the best, funniest and all around awesome lines in this week's edition of the Scrubies.

The Scrubies
"Just get the mother-frickin' ring on my mother-frickin' finger! Frick, frick, frick!!" Eliot to Keith after the engagement ring didn't fit

"Sorry to hear about your placing second in the Dr. Reid-a-thon." Dr. Kelso to JD after hearing about Eliot's engagement

"Sadly, it's only in the movies where the pretty girl ends up with the ug-o." Dr. Kelso to JD regarding Eliot

"If you weren't emotionally ready, would you want to have sex?" Carla to Turk
"Baby, I don't even understand the question." Turk

"Look when people get old, there are certain things they're no longer able to do like drive a car over 20 mph or smell like the living, but one thing they damn sure can do is have sex until they croak." Dr. Cox to Eliot after she's shocked to learn that her two elderly patients have syphilis

That's this week's edition of the Scrubies. If you have a line that you would like to nominate for a Scrubie, drop me a comment and I'll publish it in a future edition. As always, if you would like to discuss this week's Scrubs episode, leave me a comment with your thoughts. If you missed this hilarious outing, check it out on iTunes.

That awesome track at the end of the episode (during Eliot's second engagement) was Dashboard Confessional's "Stolen." You can get it at iTunes.

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1 comment:

  1. The music was awesome!! I can't help myself from feeling sorry for JD. He wasjust so pitiful. Really enjoyed those scrubies!!
