Thursday, May 24, 2007

'Lost' Phones Home in Shocking Finale

Well, paint me shocked! Not that Lost delivered a solid finale, after all this show is famous for them, but rather, the jaw-dropping ending that revealed the eventual fate of the survivors of flight 815. You see, this week's flashbacks weren't flashbacks at all. They were flash-forwards into the future after Jack and co. get off the island. First, they get off the island??? Second, it seems that Jack has a difficult time adjusting to life on the mainland. He's popping pills, missing Kate, and hating his life back "home." To be honest by the end of the hour, I was hating his life back "home" as well. When Kate met him at the end of the airport runway, I was saddened by the reality that they weren't lost anymore. That is, after I got over the initial shock that we had been watching the future instead of the past. Perhaps, it's the present. For all we know the island happenings could be the past and the story we watched unfold last night may have been the present. Hard to say with this show.

Speaking of a lack of clarity, who wants to take bets on whose funeral Jack was obsessed with all night? It may have been Ben's, but why would he be so broken up that he attempted to take his own life? Perhaps, it was Julia's, but why would Kate refuse to attend (that answer may remain to be seen). Or could it have been Locke's? Jack may have been broken up about it because he's the reason the survivors are back home, but did his action cause Locke to regain his paralysis? Kate might not want to attend because of Locke's recent actions. And then there's Jack's clue that the dead person was neither friend nor family. One thing is for sure, Charlie is dead. I'll admit it, I'm bummed. I liked him and I thought that his character added a lot to the show. It was very fitting that his final act saved Desmond's life and sent a chilling message to everyone else -- the ship and the parachuter are not working with Penelope. Could Ben be right?? Did Jack's satellite phone call set into action a dangerous plan that will send everyone home, but destroy the island? I'm beginning to think that Ben isn't as wrong as we think. All I can say is, at least they didn't kill Juliet!

Overall, a strong finish to an up and down season. If Lost can follow through next fall with the momentum that it started the second half of this season, then I can't wait to get Lost once again.

So, what did you think about last night's SHOCKING finale? Leave me a comment with your thoughts. If you missed this week's episode, you can watch it for free at The screencaps in this edition are courtesy of


  1. Great season finale! Definitely some wicked mind games. Haven’t quite figured out where they are going, so it has accomplished it’s goal. That is -keeping me tuned in when the next season starts. I liked the end. I have been reading that the castaways are in some kind of weird time loop maybe. Because remember when Charlie heard that the computer was programmed by a musician? Like some kind of weird Deja Vu?

  2. My top three suspects of who the deceased are Locke, Ben and Sawyer in that order. But almost a big a question is is Jack's dad still alive. He sure talked about him as if he was.
