Well, you can't say that The 4400 isn't full of surprises! Isabelle is back to being a toddler??!! I'm not even sure how I feel about this development, but it is pretty cool. Plus, there's a 4400 who can make you younger? Yet another awesome ability. And Richard's back!! I've missed him this season, so it was good to see him (even if he was kidnapping Isabelle and returning her to a much younger state). Interesting Isabelle developments and the return of Richard aside, this episode was a little blah for me. Maybe it was the lack of NTAC involvement holding this one back (Tom and Diana just seemed like wallpaper this week) -- I'm not sure. This just didn't feel like the awesome 4400 episodes that I've come to expect. No Maia, no Marco, no 4400 or promicin positive focus left me feeling a little ambiguous this week. BUT, I am curious to see how this Tom thing plays out. He had the mole removed, but of course it grew back. It seems like it's only a matter of time before the future begins controlling him and/or using him for their advantage. That coupled with Isabelle's sudden transformation kept me hooked.
There was also an interesting Tess and Kevin side story. Her schizophrenia had gotten out of control and she was holding a diner hostage (by making them dance). I was feeling tired just watching those poor people dance for two days straight! Luckily, Shawn stepped in and cured Tess before they all keeled over dead of exhaustion. And the best part -- it looks like both Kevin and Tess are going to play a bigger role now. Otherwise, I think that was everything that happened this week. Yup, nothing else occurred during the hour. Just those two stories to keep us occupied. Oh wait, Tom and Meghan slept together. Well, at least that's over. No more annoying build-up. You know, I'm pretty sure I could get past her not being Alana if it weren't for the fact that she's his boss!! It's bugging me for some reason. Woman in power sleeps with her subordinate -blah, blah, blah. I don't remember Dennis Ryland getting' it on with Diana. Thankfully! Oh well, this too shall pass.
If you missed last night's episode, check out the 2-minute replay at the show's official site.
I thought this episode was pretty darn interesting. The Isabelle storyline alone was enough to hold my interest. Next week's previews looked very interesting.