I have to admit - I didn't really think that Heroes' HRG was dead. He's just too integral a character to kill off this early on in the series. I didn't, however, think that they would bring him back to life by the end of the episode. His "resurrection," if you will, did make for an interesting final moment. In fact, all in all, I liked this week's outing a lot. It focused on a couple of stories instead of the show's usual several-a-week format. It's just too difficult to follow when they try to stuff 10 pounds of potatoes into a 5-pound sack, and that causes me to lose interest -- fast. Even Lost, for all its faults, sticks to one character's story at a time each episode. Anyway, it seems that Claire in more vulnerable now that The Company has her father. He's not able to protect her and there's no way The Company isn't going to exploit him. It's no secret that Claire's story is my favorite, so I'm excited about the possibilities here.
If someone had given me a detailed character description for Kristen Bell's Elle, I never would have believed that she could pull it off. "BUT, she's too cute, " I would have uttered vehemently. And boy would I have been wrong. She's fan-frickin-tastic in this role! She brings the right amount of fun, evil and even a little "Kristen essence" to a role that could easily have turned into an exploited bad girl cliche in the hands of another actress. Major kudos to Bell for knocking my socks off once again.
PROGRAMMING NOTE: Catch a 2-day marathon of the first season of Heroes on cable's MOJO November 23rd and 24th. Visit www.mojohd.com for more.
Photos courtesy nbc.com.
They sure fooled me with HRG's supposed death. And, I found myself very upset over it! I was very relieved by the ending. I'm in 100% agreement with you on Kristin Bell. She's perfect.