Friday, November 30, 2007

PTR Watch Reminder: Deck the Halls with a Special 'Closer'

By LillyKat / PTR Staff Writer
"I do not like it when I am ordered to be festive."
Even though PTR's favorite homicide detective is taking the weekend off (and the ongoing writer's strike has us all wondering if and/or when we'll get to see the remainder of this season's Lilly Rush chronicles), Brenda Leigh Johnson will happily tide us over in a two-hour holiday special of The Closer this coming Monday, December 3rd at 8 p.m. on TNT.

Tune in or fire up the Tivo, then be sure to check PTR next Tuesday for a full recap of all the tidings and trimmings of BJ and the gang!

Photo: TNT


  1. I can't wait!!!!!

    The Closer is truly one of the best shows on TV.

  2. I can't wait, either! I'm psyched that this ep includes Brenda's parents. They're hysterical!

  3. Thanks for the reminder. Can't miss the Closer.

  4. Anonymous is Suekola44. I can't figure out this nickname stuff!
