Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Jin 'Lost'

I'm getting frustrated trying to figure out who counts as one of the Oceanic 6 and who doesn't. Not that Lost and frustration are anything new, but I think I thought this little mystery was going to be more cut and dry. I guess I should have known better. We're still debating whether or not Aaron counts, and then the show throws this Jin wrench into the mix! I mean, did he die on the island (and Sun brought his remains home) or does he die after he gets off the island (making him one of the Oceanic 6)?? This is about as far from cut and dry as you can get. And how much does it suck that Jin dies??!! He doesn't even get to meet his daughter! I have to admit, though, this show never fails to pull the wool over our eyes. I knew something was up with Jin, but I didn't know that we were watching a flashback and a flashforward all within the confines of a single episode. Very clever.

While the Oceanic 6 answers became a little murkier, the identity of Ben's spy on the ship became crystal clear: Michael. No surprises here, however. I pegged him as the spy from the beginning. We've been hearing rumors of his return to the show for months, so linking him as Ben's spy only made sense. Where's Walt?? I'm guessing it will take another couple of seasons before we get the answer to that question. Or perhaps, Locke really does take his orders from him. You never know on this show.

Screen caps courtesy


  1. Here's a question for you. Does this mean that Michael is one of the Oceanic 6?? And again, where is Walt??

  2. Luckily I have a friend who is an uber-nerd and way too into Lost and explained the whole Jin situation. Apparently the year of the dragon (which the shop clerk said it was) was 2004, so he was having flash backs while Sun was flashing forword. And his tombstone said his death was the day of the flight. So theorically he could still be a live and on the island as we still do not know what happen to the non-Oceanic 6 and why they are leading everyone to believe that they were the only ones that survived the crash.

  3. I don't think that Michael is one of the Oceanic 6, but I don't know.

    Thanks for the info, scooter. I did notice that Jin's grave said 2004 on it, but I was unaware of the other clues. Basically, it's ambiguious like everything else on this show.
