Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Fractured 'Bones'

Angela: "Friends don't send friends' fathers to the electric chair."
Brennan: "Maryland uses lethal injection."

Leave it to Bones to accentuate the finer, more accurate points while her father sits in a courtroom with a jury that will more than likely send him to his death if they find him guilty. In fact, it never truly hit her that her father was facing incredible odds. He was accused of murdering an FBI bigwig, and even though there was no smoking gun, the evidence clearly pointed in his direction. Even Sweets believed that her father was capable of anything if he thought his family was threatened. Things were not looking good for Max Keenan, so Brennan took a huge risk and presented herself as a viable suspect in order to cast that all-important reasonable doubt on her father. It worked. More importantly, though, it showed Brennan what it feels like when you let your heart take over.

As far as Bones episodes go, this was a pretty heavy one. Even so, they managed to infuse enough humor to maintain that typical Bones charm. The funniest scene was that ridiculous discovery at the beginning of the episode. Seeing those bones twisted into some sort of yoga position (which, let's face it, would have been difficult even alive with muscles lending a hand), had me laughing right along with Brennan. And then there were a pair of Booth/Brennan/Sweets scenes that made me happy. Things should get interesting now that he's going to be studying the duo. And how much did we love the fact that Brennan and Booth had to be separated in the courtroom??!! They were scolded like second graders! Of course, there was plenty of heart in this one too (and not just Dr. Brennan's). LOVED the scene in Brennan's apartment when Booth explained how to put the brain "into neutral" and the heart "into overdrive." Maybe they both need to heed that advice. Wink, wink.

Photos are copyright Fox Broadcasting Co. If you missed last night's outing ("The Verdict in the Story"), check it out for free at Hulu.com.

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