I'm a little behind on Lost (thanks to that AWESOME episode of Scrubs that aired the same night), so it looks like this post is going to be batting clean-up. We were back in flashback mode this week as we took a peak pay back in Locke's past. As in, the day he was born to his unwed, teenaged mother and then raised in some sort of foster/group home. Nothing too earth-shattering here until we got to the part where "He Who Never Ages" (a.k.a Richard) showed up to test Locke as a child to see if he was special. He wanted Locke to pick out the item that belonged to him, and he failed. It was interesting to note, though, that the comic book was about a secret island. Hmm... The episode fast-forwarded to after Locke's accident, and we saw a man (the same man who tracks down Hurley after he gets off the island and claims to be from the airline) taking care of him while he worked through his physical therapy. All of this indicates that the crash of Oceanic Flight 815 was not an accident. Locke was somehow destined to be on the island.
If we need any further proof, then we can look no further than the bizarre Claire/Jack/Father reunion that's bound to happen sooner rather than later. Why is Jack's father EVERYWHERE?? And, didn't he die?? He turned up in the cabin and he wasn't alone. He had Claire with him! WTH?? Either Locke's seeing things, Claire has been brainwashed, Jack's father is still alive or a combination of all three because that cabin scene was crazy. The most interesting revelation of the night, though, was seeing the ship's doctor alive and then watching him get executed. Uh, didn't he wash up on the island's shore a couple of episodes back? Me thinks the island is a few hours ahead of the rest of the world, as in, everything is happening in the future. It's enough to make my head spin!
Screencaps courtesy Lost-Media.com
This show has gone right back to posing more questions than answering them. Very frustrating!