Monday, June 02, 2008

The Island Gets 'Lost'

I'm feeling a little underwhelmed after watching the season finale of Lost. It wasn't bad per se, but it also wasn't up to the caliber of the past Lost finales. Last season was such a letdown until that jaw-dropping, awe-inspiring finale, so I guess I thought that after this season's great run, we'd get something... I don't know... a little more shocking. Maybe it isn't the finale itself that left me a little less than enthused; perhaps, I'm just a little, tinsy bit bummed that... how do I say this without sounding a little like I want to be able to have my cake and eat it too... hmmm... no good way, so... I'm bummed that the survivors basically got off the island at the end. Yes, I know. We've been waiting for them to be rescued since Day 1, but now that some of them have, the dynamic of the show will shift and I'm not liking that idea. Of course, this is Lost and the next season could start up with everyone back on the island and yadda, yadda, yadda, but somehow I don't think it will. And I can't help it, I'm craving the old Lost.

I should be happy. I should be praising the show for finally giving us some more concrete answers (and in its usual fashion, presenting more confusing questions). Truth is -- I am. Even though I feel a little blue about the 2-hour ender, I have a nice satisfied grin on my face. How cool was it when Ben moved the island??!! Guess we now know why he's globe-trotting and giving out assassination orders (and it seems, Sun is about to be hot on his trail with her own assassination orders) -- he has been banned from the island since he was the one who moved it (why, BTW? It makes no sense, but then again...). And where did he have to go to do it? The South Pole??? WTH? Still, an impressive feat. We also learned that Jin died when the freighter blew up (or so we can assume), and it appeared that Michael did as well (since Jack/Claire's dad told him that he could "go now." Why is Jack/Claire's dad constantly showing up on this show? Is he the key to this whole damn story??). And then there was the mystery dead guy in the coffin (a.k.a. Jeremy Bentham). I predicted after last year's finale that it was Locke, so I wasn't too surprised when the camera revealed that I had made a lucky guess. While Jack was standing over Locke's body, Ben told him that all of the survivors needed to go back to the island. Does this mean that season 5 will focus on their attempts to get back? I'm not sure I could handle the irony, although, after getting a taste of post-island life, I can't say I'm against the idea. Either way, I think the show gave us plenty to chew on over the summer and fall before we get to be Lost again next winter.

Screencaps courtesy

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