Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Countdown Rolls On

This week, we're breaking the Top 20 with our summer-long countdown of the Best Episodes of the Season. Before we get to this week's entries, here's a look at the rules for this year's winners. LillyKat and I ended up with 36 incredible episodes that demonstrate the diversity and quality of the current television state. The shows and their episodes are from both NETWORK and CABLE television. All episodes aired between June 2007 and June 2008. Each episode that made the final list moved us in some way; either by making us laugh out loud, cry our eyes out or just left us with that "wow" feeling that stays with you for a few days. So basically, it's completely subjective! Since this is a summer-long countdown to the number 1 episode, we will reveal a few each week all summer. So, be sure to tune in every Thursday to find out which episodes are on the countdown! Today, we're going to take a closer look at numbers 21-19.

21: "Resistance is Futile" - Dexter
Again, we have to disclose that we technically did not cover the second season of Dexter here at PTR. But, since I did watch it on my own, went back and covered the first (as it aired on CBS), and will be covering the third, we felt it important to include a couple of key eps from Dex's second round. "Resistance is Futile" is one such ep. We now all know Sergeant Doakes has had it in for Dexter since Day 1. He's the only guy who ever actually suspects Dex of some weirdness. Throughout the second season, Doakes was out to get Dexter - especially once he was suspended off the force for harassing of Dex and/or then being accused as the Bay Harbor Butcher. So, in setting out to "get" Dexter, Doakes discovers Dex's true identity - Serial Killer Extraordinaire, the real Bay Harbor Butcher. The reveal (and subsequent confrontation) exploded in this episode, and so began Dex's keeping of Doakes hostage to protect his own identity - and his life. It was like we all had been waiting for this moment, and the moment did not disappoint. Nor did the episode. Written by Melissa Rosenberg. Directed by Marcos Siega. - LillyKat, PTR Senior Staff Writer

20: "Mummy in the Maze" - Bones
Nobody does murder quite as humorously as Bones. Of course, the systematic slaughtering of young girls and the gruesome disposal of their mummified remains at various Halloween venues isn't exactly slap your knee funny, but watching Booth and Bones work the case together is downright LMAO hilarious! Whether it was his (yes, his) fear of clowns, her ridiculous Wonder Woman costume (seriously though, the top -- or lack thereof) or everything in between, this Halloween-themed outing had a funny for every fancy. And how great was it that Bones tried to shoot the door open, but accidentally shot Booth in the arm instead?! Forget shooting yourself in the foot! Luckily, he let it slide and managed to shoot and kill the man responsible for the murders. And, he and Bones (in her Wonder Woman costume) managed to save another young girl in the process. It's all in a day's work for TV's best non-couple-couple crime fighting duo. Written by Scott Williams and directed by Marita Grabiak.

19: "May the Best Man Win" - Friday Night Lights
According to the medical textbooks, Jason is supposed to be sterile, but against all odds, he got a girl pregnant after a one-night stand. But, deciding what to do about it and how to feel about the shocking news was an even bigger challenge. And this was only one of the compelling story lines from this makeshift season finale. There was Smash's decision to "settle" for something he didn't want as a consequence of his public actions. Sure, playing football at a small off-the- grid college is not what he envisioned for his future, but at least he's back in a position to play the game he loves and possibly go to the NFL someday. Thanks to his super awesome mom, he'll land on his feet. And Coach Taylor will make sure he lands on a collegiate football field. Just to show that this series has a lighter side, the writers threw in a great quasi-love triangle story with Coach Taylor, Tami and her former flame. I'm not sure what cracked me up more -- seeing the jealous side of Eric or watching Kyle Chandler beat up real-life boss (and FNL showrunner) Peter Berg, who played the role so brilliantly. Written by David Hudgins and directed by Patrick Norris.

So, there's a look at the next set of episodes on the countdown. What do you think? Do you agree? Disagree? Leave us a comment with your thoughts. And be sure to tune in next Thursday for #18-16 on the list.

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