Monday, August 18, 2008

Family Matters

Add In Plain Sight to the list of shows that shouldn't deviate too far off its usual path and wander onto the family path. It's not that I wasn't glued to my screen with this whole will-they-or-won't-they-tie-Brandy-to-the-case drama, but rather, it was the overly melodramatic scenes involving feelings, tears, and the Shannon family past that bogged down this season finale. I just wasn't buying this "a family that cries and yells and shares their pent-up emotional issues together stays together" theme. And yes, I know it was all part of a gimmick to make us believe Mary's sudden change of heart when she decided to listen to Brandi's story and I did, but that was thanks to Raph's drunken late-night visit. It was his words that convinced Mary that she needed to be a big sister and help her troubled little sis (how could she not after learning that "Biscuit" was no longer available to play night guardsman or serve as official Flying Monkey slayer). I will admit that I did take some (short-lived) satisfaction in Mary's letters, but the other family feelings scenes threw off the pace and left the show feeling a little less like its usual self.

One of my favorite parts of this outing was the final scene at the baseball diamond. How awesome is Raph??!! Until they left us with that clever little "chalk" revelation, I had Marshall pegged as the drug dumper. Speaking of Marshall, he was awfully concerned about his partner and clearing her in all of this "family business." Hmm... does he or doesn't he? I guess that's a question for season 2. Is it wrong that I would have been totally fine if the jerky FBI agent had found the drugs in the mother's room? Or that I was rooting for this little imaginary scenario to happen? I know, I'm a bad person. But seriously, how much better would season 2 have been if it were motherless? You know I'm right.

In Plain Sight will return next summer on USA Network. If you missed this week's season finale ("A Fine Meth"), check it out for free at

1 comment:

  1. I thought the ending showing the solution to the drugs was the highlight of the episode.

    I hated the famly story even more than you.

    They have to either dump the sister and mother from the show or give them a personality transplants because they are unbearable.

    This is a criticism of the writing of the characters, not the acting.
