Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Psychic Network

Can you imagine if the government really did develop a "Ghost Network" whereby agents could communicate via internal psychic messages? How much of a game changer would that be?! It certainly made for an intriguing story line for this week's episode of Fringe. Of course, any network is only as good as its security and this one was compromised by a man who thought his visions were sent from God. Had he not turned to his priest for advice, Olivia and her crew may never have learned about the "Ghost Network" and those behind The Pattern would still be using it to communicate. The people who carry out The Pattern (the Patterners? The Pattern Society??) will most certainly find another covert way to communicate, but at least Olivia was able to track down one member (who subsequently stepped in front of a bus). I'm still convinced that Nina and Massive Dynamic are behind The Pattern and those who carry it out are following orders from her. Now, we have to suspect Agent Broyles as well. Why did he turn over that smalll, plastic-like disc to Nina at the end?? I guess The X-Files said it best when they said, "Trust no one."

Speaking of trusting no one, Peter is having a bit of trouble putting his high-risk, less-than-legit former life behind him. What was with the guy in the diner? The government paid off his debts, so he should be trouble-free, but it seems that there's more to his non-legit side than we first learned. I wonder if Olivia can get him out of whatever trouble this diner patron represents. Let's hope so for The Pattern's sake.

Fringe airs Tuesday nights on Fox. If you missed last night's episode, watch it for free at Photos courtesy Fox.

1 comment:

  1. Another show that provokes lots of questions. I don't know how many of these shows I can take!I'm really enjoying it though. I agree with you about Massive Dynamic. They are definitely involved up to their eyeballs!
