By LillyKat
PTR Senior Staff Writer
Why do I feel like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop on our Deadliest Catch gang?
Oh, wait. I know.
It's this deadly hurricane that is about to rip the grounds apart in what will be the season finale next week.
As Capatin Sig says, "This could be the deadliest end, yet."
Don't Let the Door Hit You on the Way Out: So the Time Bandit fired veteran deckhand Russ because ... well, I'm not sure. He, like, irked Andy an ep or two back by spending too much time in the sauna ...? Or with attitude ...? Or ...? I don't get it. Nobody does. And seeing how quickly Keith snatched him up to come work on the Wizard, I half-wonder if the Hillstrands went off half-cocked on this decision. That said, they are done for the season given they raked in monster numbers in crab. Buy those guys some lottery tickets.
Hurricane Cometh: I'm not sure what was worse - listening to all the radio calls forecasting the mother of all Arctic hurricanes OR actually having the whole "48 Hours Before the Storm" / "24 Hours Before the Storm" countdown that introduced a couple of segments. Like I said, I feel like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. And the previews from next week with what looks like the Incentive on the fraking rocks?!?!?! Egads.
Getting Over It: I have to say Captain Keith looked pretty steady in having his crew ditch 40 pots in the increasingly bad weather before making a run to Dutch Harbor to offload. As in, he did NOT appear to be having flashbacks from his worst.decision.ever moment that mangled up his crew at the start of the Opilio season. Go Keith. He even has a sparkling new veteran deck hand to continue to help get rid of the bad juju. Still, no telling whether those 40-foot seas and 90 mile an hour winds from NEXT week will bring on a relapse.
New episodes of Deadliest Catch air Tuesdays at 9 p.m. on Discovery Channel. Visit the official Deadliest Catch Web site for the latest on the captains and crews of the Northwestern, Cornelia Marie, Time Bandit, Wizard, Early Dawn and North American and the new boat, the Incentive. You can also catch up with Deadliest Catch folks on Twitter: fvnw_erin / CaptPhilHarris / northwesternpat / NorthwesternPR / captjohnathan / northwesternsig / DeadliestCatch (which is actually the Cornelia Marie) / DiscoveryChPR.
I have become a full-fledged fan of this show this season. I love Keith and The Wizard, so I was psyched when Russ joined that crew.
ReplyDeleteThis storm is shaping up to be very powerful and I can already tell that it's going to be INTENSE next week for the finale. I think I'll go ahead and make the edge of my seat extra comfy in preparation for watching the finale on Tuesday.