Tuesday, October 13, 2009

How Marshall & Lily 'Met' the Perfect Couple

Barney's "Sexless Innkeeper" poem was So. Freakin. AWESOME!!! Seriously, the rest of the episode could have sucked and I still would have loved it because of that poem. Luckily, the rest of the episode was sheer awesomeness as well. Everything from Marshall's photo/music montage to Barney and Robin trying to woo back Marshall and Lily had me laughing out loud throughout the episode. Let's start with that poem, though. Ted thought that chicks were digging his new professor attire: tweed jackets with the elbow covers. He seemed to be the right -- at first -- when a cute girl asked him to take her upstairs to his apartment. The next morning, we learned that nothing happened because she "fell asleep on the couch." Barney jumped in to explain that Ted had become a "sexless innkeeper." This is when the poem commenced and it took place in the time of Oliver Twist (even though it was supposed to be 2008), making it even funnier. Apparently, Ted was the victim of being taken advantage of by girls who live outside the city and need a place to crash after partying. In the end, Ted got the last laugh as he wrote the final chapter by finding a girl who was interested in sleeping with him and not just at his place. Then, Barney started to have second thoughts about his decision to date Robin and ended the episode with a "What have I done??!!" Uh-Oh!

Elsewhere, Marshall and Lily were on an endless quest to find another couple to hang out with, play charades with and take a trip with to Vermont during maple syrup season. They came on too strong (as usual) with Robin and Barney and ruined the Vermont trip with gouda, a broken egg timer and Marshall's photo/musical montage tribute to the night. But things took a different turn later when Marshall and Lily found a new couple who was just as into them as they were them. Suddenly, Robin and Barney got incredibly jealous, then depressed, and finally desperate. In a hilarious ending bit, the duo wooed Marshall and Lily back with a series of egg timers and a rain-soaked reunion that culminated in a group hug. HI-LAR-IOUS!!!

How I Met Your Mother airs Mondays on CBS. If you missed last night's episode, watch it for free at cbs.com.


  1. I wasn’t wild about the episode.

    Barney’s poem was great and Ted’s was okay, but they were the highlights.

    What detracted from the humor in Marshall and Lily trying too hard is that I really do find the couple boring. I love Lily, but don’t care for Marshall. When put together, Marshall pulls Lily down rather than Lily lifting him up.

    As a nitpick, this time of year you go to Vermont for leaf peeping. Maple syrup is in the spring.

  2. I noticed the Vermont gaffe as well. I've been visiting there since I was born, so that comment stuck out like a sore thumb for me.
