Tuesday, October 06, 2009

'How' to Keep a Girl Like Robin

Remember in the season premiere when Lily made Robin and Barney define their relationship and they thought they got the better of Lily because they "lied" and said that they were boyfriend and girlfriend? And remember how Lily knew they were lying, but said it was to themselves and not to her? Well, this week's episode kinda proved her right. Either that, or Barney was going to an awful lot of trouble trying to keep up that lie for Lily's sake! It's not that I think Ted teaching a class on Robin (with Barney as the sole true student -- auditing doesn't count) was a good idea, but I'm both surprised and touched by the fact that Barney cares so much about Robin that he's going out of his way to keep her from dumping him. It's sweet! And here I was thinking that putting Robin and Barney together could potentially ruin the dynamics on this show! Everything is moving right along without skipping a beat!

Meanwhile, Marshall was concerned about finding a good home for his barrel nightstand "Mabel." He couldn't keep it because Lily hates it is "allergic to barrel resin." He decided to put it into "The Bermuda Triangle." Not the freaky stretch of ocean located between Miami, Bermuda and Puerto Rico, but the slab of concrete outside their building better known as a sidewalk. In the past, the gang has put objects there and turned back around to find them mysteriously gone. Marshall placed his barrel in the Triangle and watched from his window with his binoculars. He caught a dog urinating on it, but no takers. By the end of the episode, no one had taken "Mabel," but knowing his show, I have a feeling this story isn't over yet.

How I Met Your Mother airs Mondays on CBS. If you missed last night's episode, watch it for free at cbs.com.

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