Lily and Marshall crack me up. Between his obsession with "The Reacher and the Settler" and her disbelief that Jenkins kissed Marshall, this episode was HILARIOUS! Jenkins, who we're led to believe is a crazy guy who works in Marshall's office, is in reality, the hot new lawyer who happens to also love the Vikings and hails from Minnesota just like Marshall. But it was the hotness combined with the crazy Jenkins stories that kept Marshall from correcting Lily when she erroneously assumed that Jenkins was a he. So, how jealous was Lily when she discovered the truth? That's when things started to get interesting (and really, really funny).
She didn't care! She met her, commented on the fact that she had thought that Jenkins was a guy, and then moved on to lunch. Marshall was confused until Ted and Robin told him about "The Reacher and the Settler." Lily feels secure with Marshall because she "settled" for him and she was a "reach" for him, therefore, he won't cheat because he knows that he can't get anybody better than her. He didn't believe it at first, but after some badgering, he found out that Lily agreed. So later in the episode when Jenkins kissed him, Lily didn't believe him. This went round and round until Jenkins went to Lily and apologized. Lily knocked her out! But hey, at least she finally believed Marshall!
So why would Jenkins kiss Marshall? She was completely drunk. Why? Because she had been up all night playing the newest drinking game craze: The "But Um" game. People across NYC were joining in the fun while watching Robin's very early news show. It turns out, she says "but um" -- A LOT! Enough to get a portion of the city drunk. And when she decided to teach everyone a lesson (especially Ted and his students), everyone looked awfully sorry they ever played. Looks like Robin got the last laugh along with all of us.
How I Met Your Mother airs Mondays on CBS. If you missed last night's episode, watch it for free at
Just to note:
ReplyDeleteMarshall did reach and Lilly did settle.
Agreed. :0)