Wednesday, May 19, 2010

'Glee's' Not So Impossible Dream

Neil Patrick Harris and finding out Jesse isn't bad all in the same episode??!!  What did I do to Glee to deserve such awesomeness??!!  The only thing missing from this episode was Jesse's sweet, sweet voice serenading me Rachel, but I'm going to overlook it this one time because of two incredible duets that made up for it: Rachel and Ms. Corcoran singing "I Dreamed a Dream" from Les Miserables and Will and Brian Ryan (NPH) singing Aerosmith's "Dream On."  I think Glee might have crossed that threshold where actors (particularly those broadway-trained) and musical artists are lining up to be on the show.  Idina Menzel has a recurring role and NPH made a guest appearance even though he has his own very successful comedy on CBS.  I love it!  But it wasn't just great guest stars and awesome duets this week.  Rachel made quite the emotional journey and ended up uncovering a family secret.

For most of her life, Rachel Berry has wondered about her mother.  She loves her dads, but she would also love a chance to know about her mother.  Seems reasonable.  Jesse, being the ever supportive boyfriend, encouraged her to do some research to find out about her mom.  She did, he slipped a taped into the box of stuff from Rachel's childhood (and labeled it "To daughter from mother"), and she eventually listened to the tape and discovered that her mother can sing... REALLY sing!  Jesse was totally supportive the entire time, but why shouldn't he be?  We learned this week that his ulterior motive for cozying up to Rachel was to get her to approach her mom: Ms. Corcoran.  As in, the choir director for Vocal Adrenaline.  As in, super-awesome guest star Idina Menzel!!  OK, so it wasn't that huge of a shocker, but the fact that Jesse really is sweet and really has feelings for Rachel was, and now I can finally like him without the shame!  I think this calls for another season of him singing anything (he could seriously sing the phonebook and I'd be happy).  Now, Rachel has to figure out who the voice on the tape is and approach her mom.  Let's hope she doesn't get too mad at Jesse for his initial deception (remember the voice, Rachel.  Remember the voice).

Meanwhile, NPH guest starred as a recovering glee club addict who is on the school board in charge of budget cuts.  His inner glee-frustrated self wanted to cut the program to save money while his desire to still perform and dream wanted to buy glee bedazzled jean jackets and rip-away dance clothing (somebody's still stuck in that 80s flashback from the beginning of the episode).  He and Will sparred over their past rivalry and the role of Jean Beljean in a community theater production of Les Miserables.  Then, he cut the Cheerios' budget which led to a funny showdown with Sue.  In the end, he and Will were able to work something out.  Elsewhere, my heart broke for Artie and his struggle to accept the hard truth about his spinal cord injury.  Tina gave him hope, but he had to learn to be OK with the possibility that those hopes may never come true.  It was fun to see him dancing during the Flash Mob sequence even if it was only in his head.  Next week, the show goes GaGa.  Can't wait!

Glee airs Tuesday nights on Fox.  If you missed this week's episode, check it out at  The music of Glee is available on iTunes.

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