This week's episode of Scrubs kept the laughs coming for the entire half hour. Not that this is anything new for this hilarious comedy, but it did seem like there were a few extra laughs thrown in for good measure. I laughed so hard at the bird gang that had taken up residence on JD's parked scooter, Turk's unfortunate accident with the ceiling fan, JD's continued SUI/DUI saga, Janitor's side burns, Turk's geeky glasses and the resulting scene that had JD thinking that there was "a new black resident" in medicine, "The World's Longest Shhhhhhhhhhhh!," Kelso's vacation (complete with a crispy tan and braided hair), Eliot's freak-out over not using coasters, and Keith's party in his room. There were also some great quotes, so here's a look at this week's best, funniest and all around awesome lines in this week's edition of the Scrubies.
The Scrubies
"Good morning reasons why I drink." Dr. Cox to his residents
"You can live in separate states, but if you're doing the nasty before you get married, your ass is gonna burn." Laverne to Eliot
"It looks like tiny hamsters died all over your face." JD to Janitor after seeing his new spotty sideburns
"Oh my god!! How hard is it for you to use a frickin' coaster you frickin' frickety frick??!! Eliot to Keith
"As I went to ask Anne out and felt the familiar lightheadedness I get before a poo faint, (pauses) all better, I thought about the deals we sometimes make." JD (narration)
"Damn trannies got me in my sleep!" Dr. Kelso after returning from his trip with a full head of braids
That's this week's edition of the Scrubies. If you have a line that you would like to nominate for a Scrubie, drop me a comment and I'll publish it in a future edition. As always, if you would like to discuss this week's Scrubs episode, leave me a comment with your thoughts. If you missed this hilarious outing, check it out on iTunes.
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It's s06e10