Thursday, February 22, 2007

The Others Keep Jack 'Lost'

ABC promised us that Lost would answer three big questions last night. So, did it? Here's what Turtlemama and I have to say:

Turtlemama says: I’ve watched a lot of TV in my lifetime, so much that I really don’t want to think about how many years of my life have gone into staring at the boob tube. I like television. I mean, I really like to watch good shows. A good show should draw in its viewers, hook them, give them mental teeth -- something to hold onto. A good show intertwines storylines so that the viewers really care about the characters. Viewers care enough to tune in each and every week to check in on their beloved characters and watch the whole story unfold. When a good show goes into hiatus during the summer, your viewers should be thinking about it, chewing it over and waiting for its return.

Lost did that at first. Lost was the show that, even though it was a little far-fetched we wanted more, we craved more, and the writers didn’t let us down. Then this season happened and now I’m wondering why my mental teeth are chewing on this light, waxy substance that was once Lost.

We started out with a show that was full of promise, like watching your little brother ride a bike. You just know that when he figures out how to ride that sucker life will be so much fun! Oh the adventures you can go on! Then you watch him fumble around for about ten minutes, still excited to watch him get it and take off….then an hour later you’re in the house hoping that he’ll either give up or get it already ‘cause you want your afternoon cookies.

And that’s where the Lost viewers are; we’re still watching Lost teeter on with the storylines that have no end. We don’t have any answers, the story is dredging along and I think I heard a dude in back yell out last night “Oh just drown yourself already so I don’t have to watch this crap every week, would ya!?”

Last week we got the teaser of “Three of the biggest questions WILL BE ANSWERED!” Ok, ummmm did I miss the answers? Was I sneezing at the time? Or did I yawn too loudly? We found out that The Others don’t live on the island…ok, great, I think. We found out that the kids aren’t dead, they’re just uhhh somewhere else, yeah’s answered! And the last one….we found out that the Lost writers can’t give decent answers. Oh, that wasn’t in the storyline was it?

Although, we did have that MAJOR burning question that I know was the talk of the water cooler in offices around America …Where did Jack’s tattoos come from? How did they get there? What do they mean? Yeah, I was so worried about his arm art…I’m so glad I found out in an hour long story that left me with even MORE questions!!

I think it’s time that Lost either put up or shut up…Learn to ride the damn thing or go inside and get cookies…I’m bored.

TVFan says: This one felt more like the Lost episodes of the past that made this show so good. It was short on concrete answers (nothing new), but it had a strong focus on the characters -- strong enough to make me overlook the continued confusion and posing more questions than answers problem that we once again found. Apparently, The Others live on one island, and work on another. And you thought that your commute was a beyotch! The island they live on has homes with back yards and bookclubs. They have a "sheriff," and a courtroom complete with a judicial process (which can be overturned by Ben). Oh yeah, and they took the kids to "give them a better life." Now, I don't know about you, but I still have no frakkin' clue about what the H-E-Double Hockey sticks is going on! And Jack's flashback, while interesting, served to show us how his tattoo came about and what it means (He walks among us, but he is not one of us -- story of Jack's life). Of course, he also gave his trust to a woman who used it against him, so I think it's only logical to wonder if Juliet will do the same. I still haven't decided whether she's someone worth having his trust. She seems genuine, but she also seems like she's secretly scheming with the rest of The Others (as Ben alluded to when he said that she was one of them) to trick Jack into doing all of the things that they need him to do. I'm not convinced that the whispering between her and Ben was him telling her that she could go home if she saved his life. We'll just have to stay tuned to see if Jack gets burned once again.

If you missed this week's episode, you can watch it for free at The screencaps in this edition are courtesy of

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1 comment:

  1. I watched every episode of lost (for the first time) start to finish in a little under two weeks.

    Can't believe I didnt jump on board before.

    I dont think this season is worse then the others.. I think alot of people forget there were slow spots in each season. :)
