Monday, May 03, 2010

'Case' Closed?

Today's post is bittersweet for PTR.  This week's Cold Case double-header was fantastic, but it might also be the show's swan song which makes this, quite possibly, the last time I get to write about a new episode of one of my favorite shows.  If the rest of the season had proceeded as the first half, then this would be a very different post.  I would be telling you how "ready" I was to say goodbye to the show and how disappointing it was to see it go out on such a low note.  Thankfully, the second half of the season was nothing like the first and if this week's finale was really it's final episode, at least the show went out on a high note -- a very high note.  Somewhere between Christmas and spring, the CC writers decided to shake up the formula and focus on telling good stories for both the case-of-the-week and regular characters instead of being confined by a narrow format.  This week's season ender epitomized the change, and it provided some closure to some of the show's personal stories for the detectives.  And the story line that I thought I was going to like the least wound up being the one that captivated and moved me the most.

During the last few episodes, I've found myself asking the same question over and over again: "What is this fabulous new show and what did the writers do with the old CC?"  To which I usually answer the second part, "Hopefully, they've buried it in the deepest, darkest TV vault available."  And that's not a knock on the old school CC.  I LOVED old school CC (seasons 1 & 2 and random glimmers of old school greatness sprinkled in between the end of season 2 and the second half of this season), but the show had changed drastically and not in a good way.  The second half of this season was like watching a completely different show, but with all the old lovable characters.  It. Was.  AWESOME!!  This is why I worried that bringing back Christina was going to throw a huge damper on the momentum of the last several episodes.

I didn't want to see her again, and I knew Lilly didn't either, but the brilliance of this story line was how it forced some closure for Lil and led to the best Lilly/Scotty interaction the show has ever seen.  The two of them working together off the grid had some serious ups and downs, but that's what made it so freakin' brilliant.  I've always thought that Lil harbored serious resentment over Scotty sleeping with her sister (everyone is free to infer their own reason for this), so I was glad she got it out during their little screaming match on the sidewalk.  His comment about having to worry about his own family was true, but harsh.  Lil had put everything on the line when she lied for him regarding his personal vendetta against the man who assaulted his mom (when he was guilty!!).  He didn't cut her in on his little jailhouse stunt and he didn't share it with her after (probably to spare her any responsibility), so how was she to know what he was going through after getting that guy killed?  Then again, he did have his own serious stuff to worry about when Christina approached him behind Lil's back.  Interesting how they fight so personally only over Chris.  Old wounds, I suppose (again, infer your own meaning).

When Lil and Scotty finally found Chris, I was seriously afraid that she wasn't going to make it.  I had kinda suspected that she had a little girl from the tail end of her phone conversation in the bar before Scotty arrived, but Lil certainly didn't have a clue!  I did think it odd that after they got Chris out of the house, they didn't take her to a hospital.  Interesting moment at the end when Scotty stopped Lil from shooting the man responsible for beating the crap out of her sister.  It was his "don't make the mistake I made" moment and penance all wrapped into one.  It was a powerful scene and one wrought with emotion.  Lilly was a mess, but Scotty pulled her back.  I think it's safe to say that he didn't just save Christina.

Both of the cases in these episodes were good.  They both took a serious backseat to everything else going on, but they were strong enough and engaging enough to hold their own.  The murders were so tragic and so senseless and equally sad.  My one problem with both was that the respective killers seemed to come out of nowhere right at the end to surprise us, but I blame that on the cases being sacrificed for the personal stuff with Scotty and then Lilly.  Therefore, I'm OK with the rushed conclusions and weaker killers/motives.  Overall, two very strong outings (with the second getting the honor of the stronger of the two) and an excellent way to end the season (hopefully, only the season).  Cold Case ends the year 22-0.  Screen cap courtesy RichE at Kathryn Morris UK.  And to see more caps from this episode, visit his all-inclusive Kathryn Morris site HERE.



  1. I actually didn't like the case in " Almost paradise," it really was a bit too weak for me.

    The second episode was excellent, I was crying upon seeing Lilly in the backseat with Christina and the baby.

    Perhaps both Scotty and Christina had gotten Lilly to realize the importance of having a family.

    How old is Christina's daughter exactly?

    Let's hope that CBS renews this show, I hate for this screwup network to cancel a great show like this.


  2. If the USA Today Poll results can indicate which shows will be saved then Cold Case will be having another season since CC came in 2nd in that poll! It would be odd not to have anymore of your Cold Case reviews, TVFan. I do believe the writers had some of the best episodes in the second half of this season. Christina and the baby was very interesting to bring closure to this season. New life to the Cooper/Rush family--to Lilly and Christina's relationship as siblings and I loved the ending except I could only imagine a Bruce Springsteen song!

  3. Does anyone think that Lilly most likely caring for her infant since, since Christina probably will be in rehab?

    @Naj- I hope that you're right, it would be stupid for CBS to get rid of this show


  4. I was pleasantly surprised by the USA Today results. I hope it makes CBS take a second look. TV is all a numbers game, and I'm just afraid that the number of dollars it takes to keep the show on the air is too much to overcome. It's always possible that the network will offer the show a deal -- further cutbacks in exchange for a renewal. But this could mean little to no music and/or losing a cast member all together. I will be very surprised if CBS renews the show "as is." We'll see. I do remain hopeful, though.

  5. Another good write-up TVFan. Great work.

    It strikes me as ironic the way that what is considered as good part of the show has shifted. The lack of the personal stuff in early seasons is what many considered a strength of the show. Whereas the amount of personal stuff this past season has been praised as the good bits.

    I know there was much talk of cutbacks for this season but I don't think it was visible in anyway other than ocassional missing squad member and the lack of external Philly scenes. All the extra guest stars, including the returning ones like the FBI pair suggest that money was not a huge issue.

    Speaking of money mine is on the show not being renewed. Better to assume the worst and be proven right or pleasantly surprised. It's a shame but 7 seasons is a good run for any show. It will be sorely missed.

    I'll be posting a longer article about Cold Case later on KM UK.

    Kathryn Morris UK

  6. Good point about the shift, RichE. I think it might have to do with the formula getting stale. After so many seasons, we know what to expect and about how long into each episode to expect it. It got old for me (which is probably why I don't watch any of the other formulaic shows anymore). Plus, it's the characters that keep people coming back to a show. Once they started to flesh them out, we wanted more.

  7. I hope CBS listens to the fans, I'm willing to bet that have of their new shows will be cancelled anyways.

    CBS has a bad reputation of not listening to their fans, and making them upset. I hope they give Cold Case another chance, or else I will never watch anything on this dumb network again.

    It would be wise just to give it one more season, even a half of season.


  8. Honestly about the shift to personal stuff. Isn't that what did attract many fans in season 1 when it was focused upon Lilly? And when season two came and they began diverting is when we began to hear objections from fans. The show definitely gave an initial impression that this drama was based around a central detective, Lilly Rush. The fact that they have finally done this in Season 7 is admirable, and I thank them for it!

    As far as the music there were questions a fews years back of going to just a score. Don't quote me on this but didn't Mr. Levine put feelers out on this on Look Again? Honestly I could care less about the music and see no reason why they can't move forward without it - a "transformation" so to speak. I really do not feel the music should be the reason they cannot move forward with more seasons.

  9. The music in the flashbacks helps the viewer get better feel for the time period they are in. It is probably as effective, maybe more so, than the types of clothes, cars and hairstyles they show. Significant meaning can be conveyed quickly with the lyrics as well. It was clearly seen as important to the show. That's fine.

    But what I don't understand is why the music should be so expensive. They are not playing whole songs with no dialogue or sound effects over the top. We get small audible bursts and then it drops to background. The music business should be seeing it as publicity and making the costs minimal.

    How many times have we seen people requesting information about the music being played in a particular scene. People want to know. I would imagine that sales of records by featured artists go up after the show.

    If lower music costs made DVDs and future seasons possible that is more scope for publicity. They could even get the show to do DVD extras about the involvement of music in the show. More publicity. More record sales.

    The state of the music industry today is because of the shortsighted thinking of type "we must have lots of money for this now" rather than "how can build a fan base to gain further revenues down the line".

    Kathryn Morris UK

  10. Why does it have to be so much money for the music is a good question. No one from the show has really gone in depth with that.

    Really the first several seasons I can say the music was a big deal but other shows do it don't they? Can't they use (The Reverend's Bizarre's terms) "more obscure" artists? They have a file of them why not just pull their songs? I remember a song in season two or three that was from a group out of Australia - they posted on Look Again to let us know how to get their album. I'd say use the less known groups. I loved their song and was curious who they were.

    Why did CBS have a series in the first place where they can't make dvd's to sell afterwards. That was truly a lack of money sense from the getgo!

  11. @Naj- Your last sentence brought up a very good point.

    However I think that personally CBS is using the word " Costly", as a pathetic excuse.

    They probably don't even had a real clue as to the real why for why this show is on the bubble. Yet I think it's not only with Cold Case but others in general.

    The network needs to get a grip on things, and listen to their fans as well.

    Besides the fact that this whole season, Cold Case has a lot fans worldwide, that could at least give us some consideration before putting on newer shows that are probably going to be doomed anyways.


  12. The music industry is incredibly short-sided. RichE said it best. It's so frustrating that they have been able to make DVDs impossible and cutting the costs without stripping the show of all music impossible. Too much control in the hands of music labels. Look at how much control they have over iTunes! It's insane.

  13. I'm now wondering why they couldn't just simply put it on i-tunes instead?

    The record companies would still get paid, and the viewers would be able to see their favorite episodes without illegally downloading them..

    Reguardless, I'm holding out hope that CBS will renew Cold Case.

