I get that Michael wants his fellow survivors to wage a war with the Others so he can get Walt back, but what I don't get is why he took the drastic step of killing Ana Lucia? Jack, Locke and Kate were already going after Sawyer to get the guns back so they could go after the Others. Killing Ana, shooting Libby (because she happened upon the scene) and himself and framing Henry seemed completely unnecessary. He may not have known at first that they left and what they were leaving to get, but Ana filled him in while she sat on the couch and reflected on the fact that she was unable to kill Henry. It just seemed way too drastic and it made me strongly dislike Michael. Perhaps Walt is better off where he is rather than under Michael's care. I did appreciate the irony that Michael used the gun to kill Ana Lucia that she obtained by sleeping with Sawyer, but it wasn't enough to make me get over the betrayal of the actual shooting scene. Oh, and who doesn't think that a loose Henry Gale is a VERY bad thing? I'm not so sure I'm buying his confession that he was on his way to get Locke when Rousseau captured him. If you are just as shocked and appalled, really, about last night's developments, there is an interview with two of the show's executive producers (Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse) in today's Ausiello Report at TVGuide.com. In the interview, they insist that this development was planned long before either actress was involved in her respective DUI incident. "A lot of this is going to sound like spin, so all we can give you is our word that this is exactly what happened," Lindelof told the magazine's site. He says that the idea for the tail section came about last February. They were looking to cast the Ana Lucia role because the character would appear at the end of the first season. Michelle Rodriguez's agent called and asked if they would be interested in Michelle, but only for a season. The two met with her and decided to go forward. "But she made it very clear in that meeting that she's sort of a nomadic spirit and she did not want to commit to doing any more than [one season]," Lindelof explains. The two insist that neither shooting last night had anything to do with the aforementioned run-ins with the law, although they acknowledge that they considered rewriting the plot after the arrests, but decided against it because the scene is integral to the future of the story. "As you'll see, everything that happens for the rest of the season all sort of falls from this event. And we're not doing ourselves or the fans of the show or the show itself any service by altering those plans because of Michelle's extracurricular activities," Cuse explains. To read much more of Ausiello's interview with Lindelof and Cuse, click on over to TVGuide.com.
What did you think about the shootings? Were you as turned off as I was or were you thrilled to finally have a twist that you didn't have any prior knowledge of? Drop me a comment with your thoughts.

After weeks of landing in the bottom group, Paris was finally sent packing. I'm not sure that she was the right choice because I'm feeling like Taylor is the weakest link at this point, but I wasn't sad about her departure. Paris is immensely talented, and she doesn't need the American Idol crown to launch a successful career. Of course, the show gave her plenty of exposure that she wouldn't have gotten otherwise, but she'll be just fine without it. The other night was sort of a strange one. Each contestant seemed to have one good performance and one bad. I just don't get Katharine. She has a beautiful voice, and yet, she can sound so blah sometimes. She rocked "Black Horse and a Cherry Tree" and I loved her laid back performance. Chris is another one that can sound great most of the time, but then fall short at times. It's like this season's participants lack consistency. I still think that Elliot has a smooth, amazing voice and I'm happy that he has lasted this long. I'm not sure who I want to win, but I think I'm ready for Taylor to go home next.

Jade escapes again! This time it was at the expense of Furonda (pictured left - photo courtesy UPN). Furonda has a fun personality, but I do agree with the judges that she just isn't quite there yet with the modeling. Jade, on the other hand, takes some pretty impressive pictures (although not last night), but she has the worst attitude. I'm still getting over the fact that she claimed to not have an arrogant bone in her body and then not 10 minutes later made a comment about Joanie. She said that she's not intimidated by Joanie because she knows that she is better than Joanie. Really? Because Joanie has never been in the bottom two (knock on wood). Oh, and she beat Jade in the classic Thai dance challenge and her elephant photo shoot was about a million times better than Jade's. Danielle is just amazing, isn't she? The poor girl is dehydrated, exhausted and gets a bout of food poisoning all at once and still manages to turn out a beautiful photograph! What a trooper! And that ladies and gentleman is only reason number 1,005 on the list of reasons why Danielle is my favorite.
About Last Night...Fox won the first hour of the night with a special episode of House, followed by NBC's Deal or No Deal and CBS' The Amazing Race. ABC's Alias landed in fourth for the hour. At 9, Fox's combination of the Idol results show and Unan1mous kept it in first, followed by ABC's Lost and CBS' Criminal Minds. The final hour of the night went to CBS' CSI: NY, followed by NBC's Law & Order and ABC's Invasion. For more on last night's ratings, visit Zap2it.
~Primetime Pass~
@8 p.m. - Chris runs into trouble with the law while earning money for a school trip on UPN's Everybody Hates Chris. Over on CBS, one survivor wins a car during a reward challenge on Survivor.
@9 p.m. - Judd Nelson guest stars and the CSIs look beneath the surface to uncover the true story behind the death of a high-stakes gambler and ladies man on CBS' CSI. Over on NBC, Earl tries to scratch off #147 on his list, "shot Gwen Waters (guest star Miriam Shor) with a BB gun" on My Name is Earl. Over on Fox, Sandy is Newport Beach's Man of the Year on The O.C.
@10 p.m. - The team searches for a recent widower and his two teen-aged kids after their living room is left splattered with blood on CBS' Without a Trace. Over on NBC, Dr. Pratt settles into his new job in Darfur but is troubled by astounding number of people needing care on ER.
Supernatural (9 p.m. The WB) - 1st season finale
To see what else you can catch on television tonight and to get customized listings for your area (via Zap2it), visit the TV Listings area of PassTheRemote.net.
*CBS is jumping on the broadband wagon and it means that you're going to get a second chance to catch your favorite CBS shows. The network launched Innertube, a broadband channel that will have original programming and repeats of network shows, today at cbs.com. The Internet channel is free and advertiser supported like broadcast television. It will soon have Beyond Survivor, a show that will take fans of the hit reality show behind-the-scenes, and Greek to Chic, a fraternity makeover show in addition to repeats of some of your favorite CBS programs.
*And finally, TVGuide.com is reporting that ABC's Desperate Housewives is adding two new characters. Actress Kiersten Warren will bring some complications to Tom and Lynette's marriage and Julie White will play a woman with a connection to Kyle MacLachlin's character. Both characters will be introduced during the show's May 21st finale, but will play big roles next season.
To get more of today's biggest TV news and headlines, visit the TV News section at PassTheRemote.Net.
That's all for today. Be sure to tune in tomorrow for thoughts on CSI and Without a Trace along with all the latest television news! Plus, you'll hear from Furonda on her Top Model experience.
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I think you were a little off in asuming that Michael framed not-Henry to wage a war. I think while in the jungle, The Other got to him, offered him Walt back if he killed Ana Lucia and help non-Henry escape.
Also, I'm totally calling that the chick Jack's father visited was Claire's mother.
First of all,I sat in complete shock at the end of Lost. I couldn't even concentrate on Invasion at first. I am hoping the rest of the season explains the reasons for Michael's behavior. Scooter could be onto something.
I had predicted that Paris would be the next to go. Not sure she deserved to but I think voters make up their minds way early in the season and not as each contestent performs. It will be interesting to see who goes next. Taylor or Elliot maybe??
I was also going to tell you to think outside the box. I think you were wrong in not seeing it coming. It would've been naieve to assume that Michael found his way back and that his story was true and that it was going to be one big happy ending. THe "others" play mind games and that's what they set Michael off to do. The are extremely smart and cunning. I think they threatened him with Walt's life....that they have set a trap of some sort and the plan is for Michael to be the key to making it happen, with the condition that if he succeeds, he'll get his son back.
I certainly didn't trust Michael. In fact, I don't think anything that Michael told Jack about the Others was true (except for the part about another hatch because we know there are several other hatches). I think he majorly down played the Others in hopes that it would motivate Jack to round up an "army" to take on the Others. Whether it's because he felt that he couldn't take them on himself and needed the rest of the survivors to get Walt back or if he's working for the Others remains to be seen.
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