If you saw last night's hysterical season finale of NBC's
My Name is Earl, then you know the today's Friday Fun title is a reference to the show paying homage to
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Instead of a golden ticket, we had a lottery ticket that was bought after child-like Randy found a quarter in the storm drain just as Charlie did in the popular movie. Charlie used his to buy a Wonka chocolate bar, but he was too nervous to open it alone, so he waited until he got home so he could open it with his grandpa. Randy was just as nervous to scratch away the film that would reveal whether he was a winner as well. The scenes in
Earl even contained two songs from the movie. Of course in both situations our luck-seeking heroes were well, down on their luck and the golden ticket (lottery or other wise) was just what they needed to turn things around. Fortunately for Charlie, things worked out, but Randy wasn't as successful. You see, he and Earl had lost every penny they had won in the lottery when the show first began last September. They didn't spend it all, but Earl gave it away in order to cross off #1 on his list. Before his lst, he stole $10 from a guy in a mini mart and then used that $10 to buy the winning ticket. And he learned last night that the man he stole the money from had planned to use it buy a lottery ticket. So in order to make things right with karma, he gave the man the remaining winnings, which left him and Randy broke and seriously doubting karma. Even though Randy's lottery ticket didn't turn things around for the brotherly twosome, a little dose of karma stepped in and soon enough they were back with their winnings.
Earl may be on vacation for the summer, but that doesn't mean you can't continue to enjoy his hilarious antics. The nbc.com page has plenty of fun
Earl goodies like:
Click HERE to go to nbc.com for more
You can also check out some fun photos from last night's finale.
Click HERE to view more photos from the finale and other episodesThe site also features video clips with interviews, bloopers and scenes from the hit comedy.
Click HERE to go to Earl's main page with the video linkAnd of course, what would any entry on
My Name is Earl be without that infamous list?

To read all of the items on Earl's list, click on over to nbc.com. That's all for this edition of Friday Fun. Be sure to check back here Monday for the latest edition of Pass the Remote! Monday's edition will have thoughts on this weekend's final episode of
The West Wing and the latest episode of Desperate Housewives. Plus, all the latest television news and breaking network scheduling news! Have a great weekend everyone!
To read more of today's television headlines and listings, and to get a complete archive with the best of Pass the Remote complete with a photo gallery, click on over to PassTheRemote.net.
1 comment:
I saw part of the Earl season finale. I liked the way it really came full circle with the lottery ticket. I'm going to try to watch all the reruns this summer.
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