PTR Senior Staff Writer
We here at PTR are all about supporting good causes - especially when our faves lend their names to some outstanding organizations.
Cold Case's Danny Pino, who plays Detective Scotty Valens on the CBS crime drama, is a spokesperson for the National Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Association. CASA’s mission is to provide trained community volunteers to speak for the best interests of abused and neglected children within the foster care system in court. Recently, Danny headed to Washington, D.C. to produce a video broadcast from the National Mall in support of CASA's effots.
"I’m here to call to action adults throughout this country," says Danny, "who are interested in helping children within the foster care system – many of whom are abused or neglected - to navigate the waters of that foster care system and be representatives for these children within the court system. [They can] become officers of the court and report back to these judges about these kids lives, in detail, so that these judges can make appropriate and positive decisions for these children."
Sounds awfully good to us. Check out the the full YouTube video!
Our thanks to Nicole over at Look Again for sending along the news!
Excellent cause! It's good to see him outside of CC (and minus the Philly accent). Thanks for the story.
On a totally superficial note, I can't believe Danny was here in DC and I didn't know it! BUMMER!
I applaud Danny's efforts on behalf of CASA. I'm a CASA myself and we can use all the publicity we get. Thank you, Danny!
Washington, D.C. to produce a video broadcast from the National Mall in support of CASA's effots!!!!
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