I'm still recovering from the red eye flight back last night into this morning, so please excuse any unnecessary rambling. Yesterday was my big Veronica Mars set visit! I excitedly entered the set with 8 other bloggers with my pen and paper in hand as well as my digital camera and my audio recorder in toe. The excitement continued to grow as we approached the San Diego set and our first sight was the famous yellow Nissan Xterra driven by the one and only Logan Echolls. Yes, I knew then that my day in Mars would be like no other. Our first stop was Neptune High's outside cafeteria where we watched Kristen Bell (Veronica) and Kyle Gallner (Cassidy a.k.a. Beaver) rehearse and film several scenes. It was amazing to actually be there and watch all the hard work that went into each scene. After watching the filming, it was off to tour the sets. We saw the inside of Neptune High, including the famous bathroom where all of Veronica's big P.I. deals are made, the front office where Wallace worked as an office aid, Keith's office at Mars Investigations, Veronica's desk as Mars Investigations, the Mars apartment complete with Kitchen, living room and Veronica's room, the hotel suite at the Neptune Grand that is home to Logan (and formally Duncan), the sheriff's office, including Lamb's office and the interrogation room and a few surprises. Stay tuned to Pass the Remote all this week and next for pictures from the set.
We met a few of the show's stars along the way as well. Everyone was very welcoming and more than happy to field our questions. I'll be bringing more from my interviews with Kristen Bell (including her thoughts on that Maxim shoot) and Jason Dohring (Logan) later this week and next as well.

We had plenty of time to chat with the show's executive producer/creator Rob Thomas, and he shared interesting trivia about the show and revealed which upcoming episode he is really excited about. Stay tuned to Pass the Remote for a full report from the interview and tour with him. I have to say, the group from Mars was absolutely wonderful. I couldn't have asked for a better bunch to spend the day with and watch how they put together one of the best shows on television. Kristen was very friendly (even giving us a big wave when she saw us at lunch), professional and she couldn't have been more gracious or nice. The same can be said for Jason, Ryan, Kyle and Percy Daggs III (Wallace). They were all a lot of fun. Rob Thomas was awesome and gave us all access and answered all of our questions. He was very welcoming and nice, and made the entire experience even better. So, a huge thank you to everyone in the world of Veronica Mars! It's nice to know that there's such a great group of people working on a very well done show.
As I have said, I will be bringing you lots more from my set visit, including more photos, interviews and trivia. Be sure to stay tuned to Pass the Remote all this week and next for all the dish! And be sure to tune in tomorrow for the return of the regular edition of Pass the Remote with thoughts on this past Sunday's Cold Case (You know I'm about to burst over this mysterious visitor from Lilly's past!) and the return of The Amazing Race (tonight at 9 p.m. EST on CBS!). Coming on Thursday, it's the return of the Scrubies! I'll be bringing you all the best lines from tonight's episode - that's Thursday on Pass the Remote! And as always, I'll have all the latest television news.
SAVE EVERWOOD NOW! Click HERE to learn how to help the show get another season
Don't forget to help Veronica Mars with the $4,000 Shower Campaign. Click HERE for details
Hi TVFan,
Sounds like you had a great time at the Media Blogger. I'm going to catch The Amazing Race tonight too. I sat out last season (the first time). I didn't care for the family theme. Will be checking back for your thoughts and pics from your trip.
Hey! Glad you got home in one piece! Hope you'll send all your readers my way! I've added your link to my page!
We'll talk more later - dan.
Was that fun or was it fun?
I had such a great time hanging with you and living our version of The Terminal. Heh.
I've posted some highlights (with links to all the bloggers) and some photos (courtesy of The Attractive Nuisance and can't wait to see more of your fantastic photos.
Hey TV!!! Sounds like you had a wonderful time--and none less than you deserve too ;). I'm really glad to hear everything went ok, cuz at first I thought it sounded kinda fishy (you know, kinda slave-trade-ish), but I guess that must just be my 3rd world mentality kicking in. :D
The VM people sound like a great bunch, and it's so cool you got the inside pics! You weren't allowed to take pics of the actual scene shootings were you? I imagine not--those are copyrighted.
Just one thing I was meaning to ask... is it true that most of the time when you shoot shows you're just sitting around doing nothing and waiting for others to finish their work? My sister says that's how it is, but that's only here, I dunno if it's like that with major shows like VM. Like your actual scenes amount to, say, 5 hours/day, yet you still have to spend like 18 hours on the set. So the actors get very bored and listless and spend WAY too much time together--thus the co-star romances. Whadda you think?
Welcome back! And get some sleep to get over the redeye.
Great recap!
Hey, could I post your Jason pic on the LoganLoVers message board? Okay, I sneaked and went ahead and posted it with a direct link and credit to you. Please let me know if you have any objections.
I'll be adding all of your links today. It was an awesome time!
Regarding the downtime question - it seemed that Kristen Bell was always working on a scene or getting reading for her next one with little downtime. The others would shoot their scenes and kind of come and go as they were needed. Some of the cast hadn't reported to the set yet because they weren't needed until later in the day. I think the amount of downtime you get depends on your role and what they're shooting that day (at least from what I observed).
Sherry - That's fine. No problem at all. :-)
Thanx TV. I'm glad they can at least come and go as they please, cuz otherwise it would be (it is!) downright grueling.
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