I don't know what it is about the Sun and Jin episodes on Lost, but they always seem to be some of my favorites. Last night's outing was no exception. I guess it's just the complicated nature of their relationship that seems to strike a cord with me. They have been through a lot together, been on the brink of separating and yet, deep down they have a compelling love for each other that doesn't seem to go away. It's fascinating to explore how things have gone so sour between them when they have this strong connection. Sun's pregnancy was certainly a surprise to her and Jin. I liked the twist that we originally thought that Sun was unable to conceive, but in reality, it was Jin. So, the island has allowed Locke to walk again and Jin to be fertile again. I also liked the way they led us to believe that there was a possibility that Sun had been unfaithful, but in the end, it was apparent that she hadn't. In other island news, I'm still torn about whether or not to believe Mr. Gale. He did draw a map, but it very easily could have been a trap as he stated to Jack and Locke during breakfast. From the previews, it seems that there is a balloon up in the tree, but that's no guarantee that he's telling the truth. And then there's the continuously brewing tension between Jack and Locke, which seems to be poised to boil over any minute. The constant tug-of-war for control has been ongoing this season, but Locke's decision to involve Ana Lucia, and then Ana's subsequent betrayal with the map, seemed to really frost Jack's cookies (and rightfully so). It appears that there is now a three-way fight for control. With the group showing the first signs of splintering amidst the growing dangers on the island, I wonder how things will progress this season. Things are beginning to look a bit ominous. I think we need to hold on tight because this show is about to take us for a wild ride!
How awesome is the Aaron/Kendall storyline? When these two team up, you know it's going to spell T-R-O-U-B-L-E for someone. Unfortunately for the departed Duncan, it seems the trouble is meant for him. When Kendall went into his shower and plucked that hair out of his drain, I knew a frame-up was in place. Now, the only question is, where will Aaron have Kendall plant "Duncan's" (I'm assuming it's his, but you never know) hair in order to frame him for Lilly's murder? I love how this show manages to incorporate storylines and characters from last season into storylines and characters from this season so seamlessly. Logan moved forward with his plan to use Hannah to get Dr. Griffith to recant his false witness account from the bridge, and it seems to have finally paid off. Only problem is that he's beginning to feel bad about using Hannah. They left us hanging with Logan going to Veronica for advice. I can only imagine that he needs her help because of what he has done to Hannah, but we'll have to wait until next week to know for sure. And then there was the runaway bride with a twist story. Jane (the daughter of the driver of the bus crash) went to Veronica after her engaged sister Heidi seemed to run off three days before her wedding. It seems the wealthy family of Heidi's fiance hired Vinnie Van Lowe (loved seeing him again) to look into her background. When they found out that she was a little wild and liked to hang around with bands, they told their son and he decided that he couldn't marry someone with her past. But if he dumped her, she would keep the family heirloom engagement ring, so he had Vinnie arrange for Heidi to meet back up with her former flame in hopes that she would call off the wedding and he would get the ring back. No such luck, and now he's out the family heirloom and a fiancee. I loved the Keith and Sheriff Lamb interaction, and the way Keith got the better of Lamb (again) by discovering that Terrence's car detailer would have found the explosives in that cabinet, so why would Terrence leave them there? It looks like the signs are pointing back to Woody Goodman again. After all, it's his hanger. That's going to be one awkward interrogation for Lamb! Can't wait!
Attention All Veronica Mars Fans!!!
In addition to yesterday's exciting announcement about your chance to be on national TV during an upcoming airing of Veronica Mars, I have another exciting announcement today. I will be attending a teleconference, along with other bloggers, with the show's executive producer Rob Thomas and star Jason Dohring (Logan Echolls) this Tuesday night! So, if you have any questions for Rob or Jason, please leave me a comment or drop me an email (tvfan08@yahoo.com), and I'll try to get them answered. I have some more BIG Veronica news today regarding a move for the show, so be sure to scroll down to the QUICK CUTS to get the latest.
So, Chicken Little is finally gone! I have nothing against Kevin Corvais personally; I'm just not a fan of his voice. In my opinion, he was the weakest link in the remaining top 11. His performance Tuesday night was better than his previous, but still not up to par. I wasn't surprised to see Bucky right there with him because I felt that he was definitely one of the weakest three the other night. Why people, why do you keep putting Lisa in the bottom three? I agree that she didn't give us her best performance the other night, but she can sing! The future does not look bright for Lisa and that makes me sad. I've been voting for you Lisa! I know I have been hard on Kellie Pickler because, frankly, I just don't get her, but I'm going to give her props because she chose the perfect song the other night and she rocked it. It was the first time that I could actually hear some talent under all that so-called charm. I'm still loving Paris, Katharine, Chris (How freakin' awesome was his rendition of Johnny Cash's "I Walk the Line???") and Taylor. So far, I'm happy with the way things are unfolding (except for Lisa's constant bottom 3 appearances).

I can't say I'm as happy about who got the boot last night on America's Next Top Model as I am about Idol. Sure, Kari (Pictured to the left. Photo courtesy UPN) isn't exactly high fashion, but she was doing better than Gina in my opinion. Bummer! Jade actually didn't bother me last night. She seemed to have the wind knocked out of her sails the week prior and it did her personality some good. After winning the runway challenge and receiving a lot of compliments on her photoshoot, I'm very afraid of next week's Jade. My ankles are still sore from watching that runway judging at the end last night! I felt so bad for all those girls, especially Danielle. Her ankle-twisting looked so painful it made me cringe. I'll be talking to the eliminated Kari tonight as part of a press teleconference, so I'll have a report on her thoughts tomorrow. If you have any questions for her, leave me a note and I'll try to get them answered.
About Last Night...NBC won the first hour of the night with a special Deal or No Deal, followed by Fox's Bones and ABC comedies George Lopez and Freddie. At 9, Fox landed in front with American Idol and Unan1mous, followed by ABC's Lost and CBS' Criminal Minds. UPN's Veronica Mars landed in 5th ahead of a Gilmore Girls rerun on the WB. The final hour of the night went to CBS' CSI: NY, followed by the debut of ABC's The Evidence and the debut of NBC's Heist. For more on last night's ratings, visit Zap2it.
~Primetime Pass~
@8 p.m. - Rochelle acts like nothing has happened after her father dies unexpectedly on UPN's Everybody Hates Chris. Jimmie Walker ("Good Times") and Loretta Devine ("Crash") Guest Star as Rochelle's Parents, Ernest Thomas ("What's Happening!!") Guests Stars as The Funeral Director and Antonio "Huggy Bear" Fargas ("Starsky & Hutch") Returns as Corner-Store Owner Mr. Harris. Over on ABC, the Extreme Makeover: Home Edition team travels to Biloxi, Mississippi to help communities devastated by Hurricane Katrina on this After the Storm special. CBS airs the first night of the NCAA Basketball tournament Sweet 16 round (begins at 7 p.m.).
@9 p.m. - Earl tries to cross number 24 off of his list (stole a red take-a-number machine) on NBC's My Name is Earl. Over on ABC, American Inventor moves to its permanent timeslot. Fox has The O.C. and tonight, Seth and Summer are faced with a new problem.
@10 p.m. - Abby and Kovac try to keep a 21 year-old girl brought into the ER with stab wounds alive while they wait for a surgeon to operate on NBC's ER.
*Veronica Mars is getting a new timeslot starting April 11th. The show is moving to Tuesday nights at 9 p.m., where it spent last season. The move is designed to shield the show from its crowded Wednesday night slot up against American Idol, Lost and Criminal Minds. The new slot will pit the show against House and CBS' latest hit The Unit without its strong America's Next Top Model lead-in. Reruns of the show will air on Wednesday nights for the first couple of weeks after the move.
*And finally, NBC is lining up the stars for its new reality series Celebrity Cooking Showdown. The series, which pairs stars and celebrity chefs in a cooking competition, has lined up Naomi Campbell, Allison Sweeney, Ja Rule, Tom Arnold and Big Kenny among others. The show will air consecutively for five nights beginning April 17th on NBC.
That's all for today. Be sure to tune in tomorrow for thoughts on two of television's funniest comedies - Everybody Hates Chris and My Name is Earl. Plus, a report on Kari's thoughts on her America's Next Top Model experience, and of course, the latest television news!
SAVE EVERWOOD NOW! Click HERE to learn how to help the show get another season
Don't forget to help Veronica Mars with the $4,000 Shower Campaign. Click HERE for details
I LOVED Chris's rendition of "Walk the Line." What an original and interesting take on a classic song. I think that could be a huge hit if he released it today.
I've still got McPheever, but I think Chris is going to win. He looks like a rock star already, as if he'd been doing it for years.
Re: the VM move, I don't know what to make of this. I guess we can ask Rob next week at the teleconference what he thinks about it.
I found Lost to be pretty interesting last night. Maybe it was the Jin/Sun storyline for me too. I was glad to see the balloon in the previews so I knew that they had found one.
VM was great as usual. I was a little frustrated when it ended with Logan's statement. I wanted it to not be over yet! Give me more! I guess Tues. nights will be allright. I am already used to taping Scrubs.
Yay!!! Kevin Covais is finally gone!! America got it right for a change. Although I did think it was Bucky who would be gone. There aren't too many contestants left that I would like to see go. It is going to start to get painful real soon.
Wow!! That girl you have pictured from ANTM is gorgeous! I can't believe she was sent packing!What must the other girls look like!
Please ask Jason Dohring how his experience on Judging Amy was. It is by far one of my all time favorite shows. You know I am still watching it on TNT every chance I get!
I find it interesting that you are so soon to assume the island cured Jin and he is the father. Sun could have been lying when she told him he was the only one she's been with. My personal way out there theory is that she was artifically insiminated and she brought along the home pregnancy test to see if it worked and that's why she would think to ask Sawyer for one because she knew one would be there.
And I don't think Wallace's girlfriend is the bus driver's daughter. Yeah I admit the do look a little alike but the bus driver's daughter was a little more, um, how should put this, thick.
One more thing, should I know who Big Kenny of that Celebrity Cooking Showdown is?
OMG I loved that Chicken Little kid!!! Maybe he didn't have the best voice but he did a good job, and ok, I admit I was kind of a softie and his baby looks appealed to me.
Hey TV, I know I've been awful about keeping up with your blog. I will be back... promise. :D
I did a little checking up on imdb.com too and I think what's confusing you is that Jane was in that episode, but not as the bus driver's daughter. If you remember this was the same one where Wallace was looking for the ckick who dinged Jackie's car and Jane appeared on crutches and hit on Wallace when he checked to see if it was her that did it. The bus driver's daughter was named Jessie Doyle.
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