Once in Moscow, the teams had to find Chaika Bassein, a water sports facility once used to train Olympic athletes. Team Hippie was first to arrive, and it was Roadblock time. The Roadblock required one member to dress in a bathing suit, face the ice cold temperatures and dive 10 meters into the pool. Once in the pool, the team member had to dive down and get a clue. This Roadblock doesn't sound too difficult, but it produced a lot of drama. First, Yolanda began instantly regretting her decision to complete the Roadblock. It seems she's not a very good swimmer, but after a lot of hesitation on the diving board, she completed the task. The second dose of drama arose after Wanda (Team Mother/Daughter) jumped in the pool. We soon learned that she has a fear of diving down into deep water. She tried to get the clue, but to no avail. It seemed like all hope was lost as the show faded to commercial. When it started back up, I expected the usual "everything is fine now" routine, but for the first time that I can remember in the history of The Amazing Race, this was not the case. Eventually, and after a lot of coaxing from her daughter, Wanda completed the task. Meanwhile, the rest of the teams had made their way to the next route marker in an old, beautiful cathedral, where they found a Detour: Scrub or Scour. In Scrub, teams would have to travel to a trolley depot and wash a trolley thoroughly on the outside and inside. In Scour, teams would have to search 1,500 multi-piece Russian nesting dolls to find one of 10 tiny clues hidden inside (I LOVE these challenges!). And when I say the "rest of the teams," I mean everyone except Team Double D who discovered that they had forgotten their fanny pack back at the Roadblock. The girls had to find a taxi back, get the fanny pack, and then find another taxi back to the cathedral before they could even get to the Detour. Yeah, they seemed like goners. But wait! As the girls pulled up to the Roadblock, Team Mother/Daughter was just leaving! All hope was not lost.

Once again, Scrubs continued to pack plenty of laughs into a 30-minute episode last night. I loved the Watchie-Talkies! We also had the return of JD's half acre, Crisco sunscreen, JD taking Turk to the fertility clinic, and Dr. Cox named the best doctor in the city, which led to the hilariously uncomfortable scene where Dr. Kelso had to admit that Perry is the best doctor. As usual, here's a look at last night's best, funniest and overall clever lines.
The Scrubies
"Perry, the last publication I read was the issue of Out my son left by the crapper when he was home this weekend asking for money." Dr. Kelso pretending to be ignorant about Dr. Cox's honor
"Yes I am. I'm going to give you a second so you can think about how lucky that makes you." Dr. Cox after a patient asks him if he's her doctor
"See, this is why I hate cancer." Elliot after learning that Keith wouldn't be able to come over that night because he had to tend to a patient with cancer
"Turk may be sterile." Carla after Elliot and Jordan were competing over who had it worse with their significant other
"We have a winner!" Jordan
"It's not weird that you know that at all." Dr. Cox to JD after learning that JD can tell when Turk's naked because his voice is higher
"People started talking and Perry ended up completely emasculated, so it worked out for me." Jordan on what happened after she got Perry his promotion
"Excuse me, are any of the reading materials in there available out here?" JD to the nurse at the fertility clinic
"If I wanted to waste my breath, I would have given my wife mouth-to-mouth last night when she went into cardiac arrest." Dr. Kelso to Dr. Cox
That's this week's edition of The Scrubies. If you have a quote that you would like to nominate for a Scrubie, be sure to leave me a comment and I'll publish it in a future edition. Or, if you would just like to comment on last night's episode of Scrubs or The Amazing Race, feel free to drop me a line as well.
About Last Night...Fox won the first hour of the night with American Idol, followed by CBS' NCIS and an hour of ABC's According to Jim. At 9, Fox's Idol continued its dominance, followed by CBS' The Unit and a tie between an hour of NBC's Scrubs and an hour of ABC's Sons & Daughters (NBC had more total viewers). The final hour of the night went to NBC's Law & Order: SVU (r), followed by ABC's Boston Legal and CBS' The Amazing Race. For more on last night's ratings, visit Zap2it.
~Primetime Pass~
@8 p.m. - It's makeover night on UPN's America's Next Top Model and the girls get put on ice. Over on Fox, Bones moves to its new, temporary timeslot. CBS moves Survivor to this new slot while it airs the NCAA basketball tournament tomorrow night. Tonight's show is just a highlight reel from the first 15 days on the island.
@9 p.m. - UPN's Veronica Mars finally returns!! Tonight, Laguna Beach's Kristin Cavallari guest stars as a cheerleader who enlists Veronica's help to find out who is blackmailing her and other gay teens at Neptune High. And if you can't wait until the new episode airs tonight (like me), you can click on over to TV Guide's Insider column (beware, there are some minor spoilers) for the site's exclusive Q&A with the show's creator/ executive producer Rob Thomas. Over on Fox, we learn which contestant is going home on American Idol. At 9:30, Fox premieres its new comedy The Loop, which follows the youngest executive at the corporate headquarters of a major airline who also happens to be the first of his friends to get a real job.

@10 p.m. - ABC's Invasion airs its last episode before it upcoming hiatus. Tonight, Christina forces Mariel to perform an ultrasound to find out what’s growing inside her.
*NBC and Microsoft are teaming up to give you more chances to catch NBC's new thriller Heist. Before the show premieres March 22nd, you'll have a chance to see 16 minutes of the pilot exclusively on MSN Video the network announced yesterday. The preview is available now. The Internet site will also have the exclusive rights to stream the entire first two episodes of the upcoming series after they air on NBC. Heist follows professional thief, Mickey O'Neil (Dougray Scott) as he "assembles an expert team of career criminals to attempt one of the biggest heists in history. Their plan: simultaneously rob three of the most renowned jewelry stores on Beverly Hills' famed Rodeo Drive during Academy Awards week" according to the release. It premieres March 22nd on NBC.
*And finally, it's Nielsen Wednesday! Fox won the week fueled by the ever-popular American Idol, which landed in the #1, 2 and 4th positions for the week. CSI (#3), Grey's Anatomy (#5), Desperate Housewives (#6), House (#7), Without a Trace (#8), CSI: Miami (#9) and The Unit (#10) rounded out the Top 10. To see which shows made the Top 20, visit USA Today.
That's all for today. Be sure to tune in tomorrow for thoughts on the return of Veronica Mars (Do the happy dance!) and The Idol Moment! Plus, all the latest television news!
SAVE EVERWOOD NOW! Click HERE to learn how to help the show get another season
Don't forget to help Veronica Mars with the $4,000 Shower Campaign. Click HERE for details
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