You know a show is awesome when you start to get a little misty-eyed at the thought of it going on its dreaded summer break. You know a show is beyond awesome when you start to tear up at the sheer fact that the episode is about to end! Both of these statements reflect my love affair with Veronica Mars, which is why I honestly can't even fathom the thought of it not returning for another season. And it's also why last night's episode was one of the most amazing hours of television this season (as was last week's outing and others before it, but this show has so many good episodes that it's hard to keep track). What amazes me about this show, is its ability to easily weave between laugh-out-loud lines and teary-eyed moments all within the course of an episode. It just has the most amazing, brilliant writing! One of the funniest scenes last night took place in an elevator, hence the picture above, but let's start at the beginning. Gia asked Veronica to look into who was stalking her. She kept seeing a "non-descript" car following her, so Veronica borrowed Keith's rooftop video

Random Mars Musings

2) So I think it's very clear now that Kendall is not stupid. The first 3/4 of the season was part of her grifting act. I wonder what's on that hard drive that she wants back so badly?
3) Logan recognized the sketch that Veronica was folding to mail out. The sketch was of the man who hired the call girl to steal Cliff's briefcase (that contained the Logan Echolls' case files). Logan thought the sketch looked like his father's former cellmate.
4) It was good to see Woody's incorporation plan voted down. Me thinks that Woody isn't going to be too happy about it, though. And I think we all need to be afraid of Woody, be very afraid!
5) LOVED the Netflix reference, especially since Netflix is responsible for my love affair with this show. Because of my subscription, I was able to rent the entire first season and discover that I had been missing out on a wonderful show.
6) Lamb's huffing over Keith's key trick was HILARIOUS!!! I was laughing out loud at that scene. The Lamb/Keith scenes are always some of my favorites.
7) The elevator scene that I referenced above (and serves as the opening picture for today's entry) was classic! All of the "prom" guests crowded into that elevator discussing how this was the longest elevator ride ever just cracked me up. I loved all of the different facial expressions.
8) If you needed more proof that this is the most awesome show to ever awesome, then you're in luck because last night had a hysterical Tom Cruise ripping, complete with Veronica saying that she hopes he doesn't try to marry her. It all stemmed from Gia's assertion that Veronica's surveillance handiwork reminded her of Mission Impossible, and how she expected Tom Cruise to rappel down from the ceiling at any minute. To which Veronica replied: "Great! Now I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight!" CLASSIC, people!
9) One of the best scenes, though, happened at the prom. Veronica went up to Madison and started commenting on the law coming down on her and about being "on the Lamb," references to Madison's secret relationship with Sheriff Lamb. It was one of the cleverest scenes I have ever seen, and Kristen Bell was spot on! She was amazing. It was so good that I'm going to let you guys see it for yourselves if you missed it and again if you just want to have another good laugh. Yes, I captured the scene and uploaded it for your viewing pleasure.

The Scrubies
"Security, we've got a grazer!" Store clerk Rebecca regarding JD's snacking on the mixed nuts bar in the grocery store
"I would swear on my father's grave, but when I go there, I usually end up dancing on it." Dr. Cox to a patient in need of a transplant
"I might finally happen upon Hugh Jackman and be able to give him the present I've been holding for him...BAM!" Dr. Cox on why he gets up each day
"Don't you know I dole out compliments once a year? Like a squirrel, you must gather up these acorns of kind words to sustain you for the upcoming cold, sarcastic months." Dr. Cox to JD
"See, I knew this was going to come back to me." Turk after Carla and Elliot talk to The Todd about the fact that they think he's gay and then The Todd propositions Turk
"I've really gotta thank you gals for outing me. Chicks dig gay dudes!" The Todd
"I'm The Todd." The Todd after someone asks him who he is
That's this week's edition of the Scrubies. If you have a line that you would like to nominate for a Scrubie, drop me a comment and I'll publish it in a future edition. As always, if you would like to discuss last night's Scrubs or Veronica Mars episodes, leave me a comment with your thoughts. Remember that you can also help name Carla and Turk's baby through NBC's contest. Click HERE for the details. You can also check out exclusive footage from JD's "Dr. Acula" screen play at the NBC site.
About Last Night... Fox won the first hour of the night with American Idol, followed by CBS' NCIS and the WB's Gilmore Girls. At 9, Fox stayed in first with House, followed by CBS' The Unit and ABC comedies Hope & Faith and Less Than Perfect. NBC's Scrubs combined with Teachers to land in fourth and UPN's Veronica Mars got edged out of fifth place by the WB's Pepper Dennis. The final hour of the night was a tie between CBS' CSI: Miami (r) and ABC's Boston Legal. NBC's Law & Order: SVU (r) landed in third. For more on last night's ratings, visit Zap2it.
~Primetime Pass~
@8 p.m. - ABC's Alias celebrates its 100th episode with special guest stars Bradley Cooper and Gina Torres. Over on CBS, the teams travel to Australia where a fierce rivalry between two teams heats up on The Amazing Race. UPN's America's Next Top Model teaches the girls how to handle tough interview questions and the girls head overseas. As usual, I've seen some advanced clips from this episode and Jade stalls a bit during a mock interview, Joanie has a little too much coffee before a difficult shoot and the girls try to learn the culture and language for their new destination.
@9 p.m. - Find out which contestant is the next to go and watch a special performance by Andrea Bocelli on Fox's American Idol. Over on ABC, catch up on all this season's happenings involving faith and love on the island on Lost. UPN airs a second episode of America's Next Top Model that recaps the season thus far.
@10 p.m. - Russell discovers that his job may be in jeopardy because of his investigation of the hybrids on ABC's Invasion. Over on CBS, Kid Rock guest stars as himself and Mac and Lindsay question him as he was the last person to see his limo driver alive.
*Actress Annie Parisse will leave NBC's Law & Order at the end of the season according to sources. Parisse, who joined the series just over a year ago, plays Assistant District Attorney Alexandra Borgia. NBC is not commenting on the report because "it is the producers' desire to keep the season finale of 'Law & Order' under wraps because of some surprising developments" according to a network spokesperson. No reason was given for the possible exit. Law & Order airs Wednesday nights on NBC.
*And finally, it's Nielsen Wednesday! Per usual, CBS won the week in total viewers and Fox won in the 18-49 year old group. CBS was led by CSI (#4), Without a Trace (#5), CSI: Miami (tie #6), Survivor (tie #6), NCIS (#8) and The Unit (#10). American Idol (#1, 2), House (#3) and Desperate Housewives (#9) rounded out the top 10. To see a list of the top 20 shows from last week, click on over to USA Today.
That's all for today. Be sure to tune in tomorrow for 2 for 1 Thursday with a special early edition on The Amazing Race and the regular edition with thoughts on Alias and the Idol and Model moments. Plus, all the latest television news!
To read more of today's television headlines and listings, and to get a complete archive with the best of Pass the Remote and a photo gallery, click on over to PassTheRemote.net.
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Loved your VMArs recap! Thanks!
Those lines between Madisona and Veronica about "being on the Lamb" were perhaps the funniest of the season. I'm still chuckling just thinking about them!
Tube Talk Girl
I know what you mean about not wanting VM to end each week. I don't feel that way about too many shows. GG and Scrubs are about the only other two.
Scrubs brought me to tears at the end last night. John McGinley is such a talented actor.
I also looooved that "on the Lamb" scene. I could not stop laughing. Even with all the V/L goodness in this episode, that scene almost stole the show. *Almost.*
Thanks for uploading it! :)
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