- Baby Isabelle is very cute. I wondered what Syd was going to do when she had to leave her. Those "babysitters" that Jack sent were hilarious Did you see the briefcase with bottles and other baby accessories? Classic!
- So even though I didn't know Will before last night, I LOVED him! He and Syd have a great friendship. I was really worried there at the end that he wasn't going to survive, but Syd saved him just in time.
- The bomb-in-the-head thing was pretty awesome, but only because it didn't go off. I LOVED the way everyone at A.P.O. kept dealing with it like it were any other bomb and then Will kept reminding them that it was in his head. How funny was the cell phone ringing?
- Sloane, Sloane, Sloane. I know I'm supposed to dislike you, but as I stated above, I've only known you since you have been "good." Therefore, I feel for you and you're struggle to save your daughter. BUT, this is going to blow up in your face very soon. I'm also thinking that Peyton didn't fulfill Prophet 5's end of the deal, but we'll see.
- Syd definitely knows that Vaughn is still alive. I'm so dying to see their reunion!
- LOVED Jack's comment that Syd needed to keep sharp objects away from Isabelle because she's a Bristow woman, no matter her age.
Overall, another great hour of Alias. What did you think about the return of Will and Anna? How about Prophet 5's genetic mutation? Leave me a comment with your thoughts.
Music Moment
You guys have been buzzing a lot lately about some cool tunes on your favorite shows. A lot of you are talking about that awesome song that played while Veronica and Logan almost kissed the other night on Veronica Mars. That song is called "I Hear the Bells" and it's by Mike Doughty. You can hear a clip of it HERE (just click the little speaker button next to the song title at the top of the page in the brown banner). You've also been asking about the amazingly perfect and poignant ending song from Scrubs the other night. You know the one when Dr. Cox was in the middle of a breakdown because all three patients died and JD tried to comfort him? Anyway, the song is called "How to Save a Life" and it's by one of my favorite new bands The Fray (they of "Over My Head (Cable Car)" fame). You can hear a clip of this song at the band's web site (just click on the music player at the top of the page, and it's song 3). Like you, I've been loving both tunes, so you can be sure they'll both be getting heavy play on my iPod. To purchase these songs, visit iTunes or pick up either artist's album. "I Hear the Bells" is on Doughty's Haughty Melodic album. "How to Save a Life" can be found on The Fray's album by the same name, How to Save a Life. If you guys are ever wondering about the music you hear on your favorite shows, feel free to drop me a line (via comments or email), and I'll try my best to get the answer. Chances are if you're buzzing about it, others are too!

OK, this is really starting to freak me out! I asked you guys to stop putting Katharine McPhee in the bottom three (don't you love the way that rhymes?), I asked you to please stop voting for Ace and last week I asked you to stop picking Pickler. All three requests have been answered! You know I'm only kidding, but seriously, I'm happy to know that I feel the same as America. This is the end of the road for my requests getting matched, I'm afraid, because my next request is for all five contestants to remain on the show. I really can't pick just one from now on. Once again, I would like to give props to Kellie for her great attitude last night. Honestly, she is a talented girl when she's given the right material. I just felt that she was the weakest link of the remaining six. Chris continues to blow me away, and I'm still loving Katharine and Paris. Elliot has such an amazing voice and Taylor has such soul to his sound and a great personality to match. This is going to be very difficult from here on out. I would also like to give props to Katharine McPhee for pulling off that much talked about dress the other night. Her boobs were working overtime, and it must have paid off because despite the judges' harsh remarks, she and Chris managed to get the most votes.

I have to admit, I'm still a little shocked about last night's elimination on America's Next Top Model. Nnenna (left - photo courtesy UPN)?? I mean I agree that she had been seriously slipping these last few weeks and her attitude was getting on my nerves, but I was just surprised that the judges saw it that way as well. How cool is Thailand??!! I was so psyched when they found out that this was where they were heading. I thought that Joanie and Sara's idea to learn the language and the culture was a good one. That massage task was a bit icky, and I have to agree with Furonda. Although, I do think that if you're in a competition, then you need to suck it up and do it. I agonized with Danielle over her decision to fill in her gap. The way the dentist did it, though, was sort of a compromise and it didn't take away from her originality. I thought it turned out well. That mermaid shoot, although painful, looked really awesome. Joanie and Danielle rocked their photos! The last little interview session at panel was interesting. I couldn't believe how many of the girls just couldn't pull this off. Danielle was awesome as usual, but Nnenna, Furonda and Sara were just awful! I LOVED that the judges think that Danielle is everyone's biggest threat right now. Yay! Go Danielle and Joanie!
About Last Night...NBC won the first hour of the night with Deal or No Deal, followed by Fox's Bones and CBS' The Amazing Race. ABC's Alias landed in fourth place. At 9, Fox took the lead with its combination of the Idol results show and Unan1mous, followed by ABC's Lost clip show and CBS' Criminal Minds (r). The final hour of the night went to CBS' CSI: NY, followed by NBC's Law & Order (r) and ABC's Invasion. For more on last night's ratings, visit Zap2it.
~Primetime Pass~ (NOTE: May Sweeps officially begins tonight)
@8 p.m. - Chris brings his father's Playboy to school, but panics when it gets stolen on UPN's Everybody Hates Chris. Over on CBS, the Casaya alliance has to vote out one of their own at Tribal Council since Terry has possession of the hidden Immunity Idol. ABC airs back-to-back episodes of American Inventor.
@9 p.m. - Solving the case of a wealthy defense attorney killed at her son's wedding is compromised when all of the evidence from the case is stolen along with Nick's car on CBS' CSI. Over on NBC, Earl attempts to take care of number 127 on his list, "stole a badge from a police officer." Fox's The O.C. features special guest star and former American Idol contestant Lisa Tucker as the gang attends the senior prom.
@10 p.m. - The team attempts to locate a 15-year-old Olympic-hopeful figure skater on Without a Trace. Look for guest stars Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio and Tracey Needham. Over on NBC, Noah Wylie and Diane Ladd guest star on ER. Mac calls on her new Attorney General to look into the growing urban unrest in nearby Prince George’s County, Maryland on ABC's Commander in Chief.
*Fox is releasing some insight into its sweeps plans. Look for the final episodes of That 70s Show (May 18th) and Malcolm in the Middle (May 14th), the 2-hour season finale of 24 (May 22nd), the 3-hour, two night American Idol finale (May 23rd and 24th), the 90-minute season finale of Family Guy (May 21st) and the world broadcast premiere of School of Rock among the offerings. You can also expect big episodes of your favorite Fox shows, including pivital episodes of Prison Break that put the plan into action, a 2-night House event and a very personal case for Booth on the first season finale of Bones. If you would like to read more about what to expect next month, click on over to The Futon Critic (WARNING: the press release does include spoilers).
*Fans of The Sci Fi Channel's Battlestar Galactica are about to get a bonus. The cable channel announced yesterday that it is developing a new show, dubbed Caprica, that will focus on the back story to Galactica. The show will be set 50 years before the Peabody Award winning series during the years leading up to the Cyclons' devastation of humanity. The network promises that this series, like Galactica, will be about more than just space battles and will deal with family drama as well.
*And finally, NBC already has a hit with Deal or No Deal, and now the network is banking on another game show import. The Peacock is developing an American version of the popular international game show 1 versus 100. In the game, "one player must outlast a mob of 100 people in a tense battle of brains and greed for a chance to win a multi-million dollar cash prize" by answering trivia questions correctly. If the mob gives a wrong answer, then one of them leaves and the value of the cash prize goes up. If the single player can outlast all 100 members of the mob, then they win the top cash prize. No word yet on when the show will debut.
That's all for today. Be sure to tune in tomorrow for thoughts from Nnenna about her Top Model experience. Plus, thoughts on CSI and Without a Trace and all the latest television news!
To read more of today's television headlines and listings, and to get a complete archive with the best of Pass the Remote and a photo gallery, click on over to PassTheRemote.net.
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I was also shocked when my preseasn favorite Nnenna got the boot, that was until the reviewed he past photos and I realized that all but two of her shoots looked exactly the same. But I'm still surprised they kept Sara over her.
Nnenna blew, I fucking hated her. So glad she's gone... she's the devil in prada.
Pickler was my prediction as she was the weakest talent of the remaining 6. However, someone needs to give her a country music recording contract. She will be awesome in that music genre! She did take the disappointment with class.
Hey, TV--what's that about Andrea Bocelli singing in AI? When is that supposed to happen? Why? Do they usually bring in famous singers like that?
He sang during last week's results show. This season, they have been bringing in the singer that helped the contestants the night before and having him/her sing during the results show. I guess it's their way of killing time considering it doesn't take a half an hour to tell us which contestant is going home. :-)
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