Tonight marks Veronica Mars' first episode on its new night! That's right, the show is now airing Tuesday nights at 9 p.m.!! Which means, it is no longer up against Lost, so you have no excuse not to watch it tonight. Even if you have never seen an episode, it's not too late. Get yourself over to MarsInvestigations.net and catch up on all the happenings in Neptune, and then tune in tonight at 9 p.m. on UPN to find out what all the fuss is about. I can guarantee that you won't be disappointed. How do I know, you ask? Because this is the episode that I saw them film when I was out in San Diego for the Bloggers Press Day. If you need more convincing, you can click on over to UPN, and watch the opening scene from tonight's episode. Tonight, we get to meet all the people killed in this season's central bus crash mystery as Veronica is haunted by dreams in which those killed in the bus crash confront her. That's TONIGHT at 9 p.m. on UPN. For more on Mars, you can click over to TVGuide.com to read their Q&A with Jason Dohring. He discusses his current iPod rotation, last week's Veronica/Logan dance scene and the season finale, which he calls, "the most exciting half an hour in the history of the show."
About Last Night...NBC won the first hour of the night with Deal or No Deal, followed by CBS comedies King of Queens and How I Met Your Mother and Fox's Prison Break. At 9, ABC took the lead with its miniseries Ten Commandments, followed by CBS comedies Two and a Half Men and The New Adventures of Old Christine and Fox's 24. The final hour of the night went to CBS'CSI: Miami, followed by the second hour of ABC's miniseries and a second episode of NBC's The Apprentice. For more on last night's ratings, visit Zap2it.
~Primetime Pass~
@8 p.m. - The 8 finalists take on the music of Queen on Fox's American Idol. Over on the WB, Paul Anka guest stars and Rory visits Jess in Philadelphia on Gilmore Girls.
@9 p.m. - As previously mentioned, UPN's Veronica Mars moves to its new night as Veronica is haunted by dreams from the bus crash victims. Over on NBC, JD's brother (guest star Tom Cavanagh) returns for a surprise visit on Scrubs. Fox's House finds the team rushing against the clock to save a young boy exhibiting symptoms that House saw in a previous case when an elderly patient lost her life. ABC concludes its Ten Commandments miniseries.
@10 p.m. - Nick becomes a victim when he is robbed and beaten at gunpoint on NBC's Conviction - airing on a special night.
*NBC is benching its new drama Heist. The show has been losing viewers since its March 22nd premiere, suffering its biggest loss last week when the network moved it up an hour, forcing it to go up against mega hits Lost and American Idol. The network isn't saying when it will pull the show, but it is still currently scheduled to air a new episode this week. The show's creator Mark Cullen recently posted on tvsquad.com that NBC has cut the episode order from 13 to 6 this season.
*And finally, TNT is going ad-free for some of its premiere this summer. The cable channel will air the season premiere of its popular crime drama The Closer commercial-free this June along with premieres for its new shows Saved (also premiering in June) and Nightmares & Dreamscapes: From the Stories of Stephen King (premiering in July). You can read more about TNT's upcoming summer and fall schedules over at Zap2it.
That's all for today. Be sure to tune in tomorrow for thoughts on Veronica Mars (including my behind-the-scenes take on some of the scenes) and the Scrubies. Plus, all the latest television news! And coming next Monday, April 17th, it's the official launch of PassTheRemote.Net!!! The all new comprehensive site featuring all of your TV needs to go along with my daily Pass the Remote blog! Click HERE to find out what you can look forward to!
SAVE EVERWOOD NOW! Click HERE to learn how to help the show get another season
Don't forget to help Veronica Mars with the $4,000 Shower Campaign. Click HERE for details
Can't wait to watch that episode of Everwood. It sounds amazing. Who's Kyle, btw?? Anyway, the way you presented it (and you've been pretty faithful to shows so far, so I'm sure that's the way it really was) sounds not only realistic, but touching. The breast cancer gene was a pretty touchy subject to hit on too. They seem to have nailed it pretty accurately though. I'm impressed. Really impressed.
Kyle is the young piano prodigy that Ephram has taken under his wing this season. It really was well done. That breast cancer gene story was just so painfully accurate. It seriously made you think.
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