Out of Our Hands (Network Scheduling)
(sing to the tune of The Fray's "Over My Head (Cable Car)")
I never knew
I never knew that all my favs were falling through
That Everwood was waiting on a cue
To return and run
But all Dawn needed was an excuse
But that's how it's got to be
Otherwise Alias and Reunion
Would still be thrilling me
I'd rather run the other way
Than stay and see
Surface and Invasion
Ending when it isn't clear
Every fan knows it's
Out of our hands
Out of our hands
With eight slots left in schedule time
Canceled on a dime
Canceled on a dime
They rearrange
So Chief becomes in danger
And then disengaged
Say that we disagree
But nets never change
Cancel a lot
Until all we've got is crime
But that's disarray
So you find another show
And they discard it
As they lose the good ratings
In another minute
Charmed, Related
Gone as the networks come together
Every fan knows it's
Out of our hands
Out of our hands
With eight slots left in schedule time
Canceled on a dime
Canceled on a dime
And suddenly
Malcolm's a part of your past
Along with Development
That didn't last
And losing them
Is so hapless now
Will & Grace
Broke lots of ground
But now it's not around
Never thought that NBC wanted
To bring West Wing down
VH1 won't let Monkey go down
'Till we've seen all the eps
Every fan knows it's
Out of our hands
Out of our hands
With eight slots left in schedule time
Canceled on a dime
Canceled on a dime
I never knew that all my favs were falling through
That Everwood was waiting on a cue
To return and run
But all Dawn needed was an excuse
But that's how it's got to be
Otherwise Alias and Reunion
Would still be thrilling me
I'd rather run the other way
Than stay and see
Surface and Invasion
Ending when it isn't clear
Every fan knows it's
Out of our hands
Out of our hands
With eight slots left in schedule time
Canceled on a dime
Canceled on a dime
They rearrange
So Chief becomes in danger
And then disengaged
Say that we disagree
But nets never change
Cancel a lot
Until all we've got is crime
But that's disarray
So you find another show
And they discard it
As they lose the good ratings
In another minute
Charmed, Related
Gone as the networks come together
Every fan knows it's
Out of our hands
Out of our hands
With eight slots left in schedule time
Canceled on a dime
Canceled on a dime
And suddenly
Malcolm's a part of your past
Along with Development
That didn't last
And losing them
Is so hapless now
Will & Grace
Broke lots of ground
But now it's not around
Never thought that NBC wanted
To bring West Wing down
VH1 won't let Monkey go down
'Till we've seen all the eps
Every fan knows it's
Out of our hands
Out of our hands
With eight slots left in schedule time
Canceled on a dime
Canceled on a dime
So there you have it - a sorry excuse for a tribute to some wonderful shows that left the TV universe forever this season. Which shows are you going to miss the most? Leave me a comment with your thoughts on all of this season's cancellations and series finales. And coming next Wednesday, it's the beginning of the summer-long countdown of the best episodes of the 2005-2006 television season including some from the now ended series!! Which episodes will make the cut? What will be #1?? Tune in next week for the big kick off!
Fans of the wrongly canceled Everwood are making a last ditch effort to save the critically acclaimed show, and you can help! The fan site Everwood Music is organizing a campaign to rent a Ferris wheel and place it outside of new CW president Dawn Ostroff's office for a set period of time. In order to rent the Ferris wheel, secure the necessary permits and run ads about the event in the trades, the group needs monetary donations. You can donate securely through PayPal. Any left over funds will be donated to the charity of the fans' choice. This is a great way to show The CW that Everwood has a loud, strong fan base and that we want to see the show return for another season. Click HERE to donate to the fund now. If you don't want to donate money, you can also click on over to The TV Addict's store and pick up some of his Everwood swag. All of the profits from the sale of his Everwood products are going to Project Ferris Wheel. Be sure to click over there and check out his awesome Everwood merchandise including shirts, mugs, bumper stickers, bags, hats, pillows, stuffed animals and even underwear! So far, the combined efforts of the show's fans have raised more than $3,000, but there's still a way to go. Save Everwood!!!
Last week's edition involved a trivia question, but this week is all about a fun fact and a cool new link.
FF: The hilarious NBC comedy Scrubs takes place in a hospital as the young doctors tackle tough cases and even tougher superiors. But did you know that the show is actually shot in an old hospital? NBC leased and refurbished the closed North Hollywood Medical Center in the San Fernando Valley just for the show. No Hollywood studios or soundstages for this comedy, just bed pans and wheel chairs. [source]
The show's star Zach Braff just launched a brand new web site that includes his blog, a video post and an exclusive first look at his new movie The Last Kiss, which hits theaters in September. According to his video post, he would like to hold a mini-film fest in the future where his fans could submit short films. It's a great site for any Zach or Scrubs fan. Check it out!
*TV NOTES: USA Network rolls out the third season premiere of The 4400 Sunday night (8-10 p.m.), HBO's Deadwood and Entourage begin their third seasons as well Sunday night (9-11 p.m.) and ABC brings The Evidence back to burn off the remaining episodes (Saturday 10 p.m.).
*And finally, 10 cats will duke it out for the top prize in the latest reality show. Yes, I did say "cats," as in felines. The 10 contestants will live in a New York house where they will vie to win an executive-level position with Meow Mix cat food. Call it The Apprentice meets Big Brother. The company chose the cats from animal shelters, and a Meow Mix spokesperson calls the contest "very tongue-in-cheek." Animal Planet will show the "episodes" in 3-minute segments every Friday night for 10 weeks during its 9 o'clock hour. The "episodes" are actually a slick marketing tool that Meow Mix calls "a program within a program" rather than commercials, but they are also designed to raise awareness for animal adoption. The first segment premieres next Friday, June 16th on Animal Planet.
To get more of today's biggest TV news and headlines, visit the TV News section at PassTheRemote.Net.
That's all for today. Be sure to tune in Monday for thoughts on Sunday's 2-hour premiere of The 4400! Plus, all the latest television news.
To get more television coverage, including the network's new fall schedules and a complete archive of the best of Pass the Remote with a photo gallery featuring pictures from the set of Veronica Mars, click on over to PassTheRemote.net.
First of all, I was able to watch that Everwood video. I wanted to let you know that.
I just wanted to mention the Bernie Mac show as one of the great casualties this season. That cancellation was a real shame. The move to Fri. nights really hurt it.
I totally enjoyed your song tribute. Did you write those lyrics? I'm thinking you're in the wrong line of work. Maybe the next Michael Bolton??
I knew about the Scrubs fun fact. I may have read it in TV Guide at one time.
A cat reality show?? I've heard it all now!
I did write the lyrics, but had I known how difficult of a task that I was embarking on, I would have skipped it! It was very difficult. Weird Al, I am not. ;-)
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