I know I always went on about what a waste of a character Nathan Petrelli was on
Heroes, but Peter, I liked!! Damn these intrigue shows and their incessant need to kill off characters! I swear if
Lost kills off Juliet tomorrow night, I'm so over these types of shows. Anyway, I'm not entirely convinced that we have seen the last of Nathan and Peter Petrelli. Fingers crossed for Peter. In other
Heroes happenings, Niki, DL and Micah are reunited while Claire and her dad are heading home to be a family again as well. And then there's Hiro, who seems to be stuck in medieval China just as a battle is about to break out. Luckily for him, the pending clash was eclipsed by the unusual solar event. Still, how did he end up here and why is one of the warring tribes carrying a battle flag with that mysterious
Heroes "f" on it? Clearly, it's all connected. I have to admit, I'm intrigued for next season.

Speaking of next season, things seem to be looking a little gloomy in the bad guy department. Silar appears to have survived his run-in with Hiro's sword. The ending shots showed what I presumed to be his blood trail leading to the sewer cover. Plus, Molly had a chilling prophecy about another evildoer. It seems this one uses her ability against her. When she thinks about him, he can see her. Talk about your creepy Peeping Toms! I'd be lying if I said that this little revelation alone had me hooked for another season. So, it was a jam-packed season finale, which is how these things seem to go. I'm not a big fan of this overcrowding method because it just feels like someone shoved 10 pounds of potatoes into an 8-pound sack. It makes it seem like we have been a bit short-changed. Of course,
Heroes is not the only show guilty of this crime, just the latest. Overall, though, I enjoyed this one and found myself pretty shocked more than once. A solid end to a solid season.
The pictures in this edition are courtesy of
nbc.com. Click on over there for all of this season's episodes streaming for free.
I am pretty sure Hiro is in medieval Japan, not China.
Definitely. Thanks for the correction.
I'm not convinced that we have seen the last of the Petrilli brothers either. It was a satisfying finale for me as well.
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