Did the teams not get the mandatory 12-hour rest period this leg? I ask because Phil usually says, "Dustin and Candace, who were first to arrive at 11:53 p.m., will depart at 11:53 a.m.," but this time he left out the first 11:53. Hmm... very phishy, Phil.
What?? No airport drama??!! I demand at least one dose of airport drama per an episode! Here we go, Charla and Mirna are attempting to get on a flight that gets into Honolulu 40 minutes before everyone else. As per usual, Mirna is acting like her entire life depends on making this flight when she has to know that it's way too early in the leg to think that 40 minutes is the difference between winning the million. I better not end up eating these words, TAR gods.
Someone needs to explain the difference between a plane and a helicopter to Mirna. She seems to be very confused by the two flight vehicles (Hey Mirna, here's a hint: the plane has WINGS!!).
I love it! Charla is breezing through the Detour while Mirna is struggling! And yet, I don't hear Charla berating Mirna the way that Mirna does her when the roles are reversed.
Who would have thought that a small water cave would the mighty blondes' Achilles heel??
Folks, we have ourselves a race! The other teams just caught Charla and Mirna as they were attempting to traverse the rocky coastline to their next clue. Charla is having a difficult time with all of the rocks, and surprise, surprise Mirna is giving her a hard time because the other teams are passing them. Hey Mirna, remember like 5 minutes ago when you were having trouble and Charla encouraged you instead of berating you?? Where's the love in return?
Not another paddling in the ocean challenge! This was so hilarious the first time when TAR did it last season, so I have high hopes for tonight. Even Dustin and Candace are fighting! Ironically enough, it was the one moment when they fought last season as well. Something about paddling against impossible ocean waves and currents just seems to bring out the worst in people (remember Rob and Kim?? HI-LARIOUS!!!). Eric and Danielle are on their way back, the blondes are capsized, and Charla and Mirna are practically still back on the beach. Awesome as I expected!
It's a beauty queen breakdown - their one this race. I'm pretty sure that the last breakdown (last season) was something like this one. These two need to avoid paddling in the future. Their friendship depends on it!
Overdramatic Mirna is proclaiming the paddling challenge the "worst experience of her life." Wow, good thing she wasn't around last season with the other paddling because she never would have gotten through that one. This one was a walk in the park in comparison!
The blondes are wondering if there is a counter where you buy tickets. Hmmm... tough question. Perhaps, the TICKET COUNTER?? See, I'm an equal opportunity chop buster.
For those interested, I'm still pondering the Danielle cleavage question from a few weeks ago. To review, do we think her ample chest is always in the shot because the cameramen love to focus on it, or is it impossible not to film because she wears the lowest cut workout attire ever constructed? Right now, I'm leaning toward the latter, but things could change.
Tricky, tricky little challenge here at The Old Mint. I can't wait to watch this unfold!! This is one of the most intense moments ever on TAR. It rivals that crazy map at the end of the family edition a few seasons back. Dustin should have stuck with Rob and Amber as the least trustworthy. Go Danielle!! She cracked the code and opened the safe. And the blondes aren't far behind. Fingers crossed that one of these two teams wins.
Cue the editing that makes it look like any of the three teams could win it complete with Eric/Danielle stuck in traffic shots and the blondes breezing through lights shots. I'll be damned, though, because I am at the very edge of my seat due to that tricky editing. Yes, I'm easily manipulated.
And the winner is.... ERIC and DANIELLE!! They managed to come back from two Yields, bad flights and a whole lot of backstabbing. I'm excited, even if it means that we still haven't had an all-female team cross the finish line in first. The blondes ended up second, followed by Charla and Mirna.

Were you happy with the results of the race? Or were you hoping to see another team take the million? Leave me a comment with your thoughts. The pictures in this edition are courtesy of cbs.com.
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1 comment:
I was thrilled with Eric and Danielle's win!! They overcame so much! Wanted to let you know that they were on Regis and Kelly this morning. They are no longer together and both have new partners.The split was mutual. He lives in Fl. and she's in Staten Island. He moved to NY but it just didn't work out.
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