Poor Matt Roush. The TV Guide columnist is going to get bombarded this week with panic-stricken emails from fans concerned that Kathryn Morris is leaving
Cold Case. And while I'm not going to be one of them, I will be logging onto his column as soon as it's posted this week just to be sure that she's not. Of course, the rational side of me knows that they wouldn't dare kill off Lilly Rush. After all, she's the entire show. The show is about her. Obviously, she can't die! Right? Right?? When they said 2 CC detectives would get shot, I was pretty sure that one of them was going to be Lil, but I never imagined that she was the center of the cliffhanger. My poor stomach can't handle a cliffhanger like this one all summer. Moving on because if I don't, this post will be Super-sized beyond belief. There's so much to talk about tonight, so let's just start with Lil's mom. I know I should have seen it coming, but somehow I didn't think they'd kill her off. When Scotty showed up at Lil's, I figured her mother had run off because she didn't want to be a burden. She had sorta made her peace with her daughter, and I figured it was a good time for her to exit. However, I never imagined that it was going to be forever.

I can't believe I'm even going here, but this was a big night for fans of a Lilly/Scotty pairing. We had the scene where he showed up at her house, comforted her after finding out that she lost her mother, and then assured her that if she needed him, she only had to say "Hey" and he'd come running. Interesting, but I shrugged it off (as I always do because I really don't think this show would ever go there). Then, there were the final scenes of the night and things took an even more interesting turn. Lilly wisely separates the gunman from her injured boss so the others can tend to him, but she puts herself in great danger by entering into the observation room alone with him and Kim. She needs help, so she calls Scotty to cash in her "Hey" card. It works, but he can't see through the glass into observation. He sees a mirror, and has to go on Lil's "You want to shoot me? Shoot me now" commands to the gunman. So, he shoots and gets the gunman. But, who shot Lilly?? It seemed to me that Scotty was pretty sure that he did it. Wow, that's some serious guilt. Lil doesn't clarify the situation any because she simply mumbles, "he got me."

This episode ROCKED!! I was completely invested in the case, profoundly sad for Lilly when her mother died, and overwhelmingly shocked when her life hung in the balance at the end. It was emotional, moving and so intense that I'm still sitting on the edge of my seat. Easily one of my favorite hours of television this season. Come to think of it,
Cold Case was pretty damn awesome this season from top to bottom. Bravo CC gang, bravo!! You move to 22-2 on the season (this finale was so good that it erased the indifferent or "tie" episode that used to make up the 1 in the count).
How rockin' was tonight's soundtrack?? We had Snow Patrol, Coldplay, Jet and my current fave song "Stolen" by Dashboard Confessional at the end (for those of you experiencing deja vu, the song was also used at the end of
Scrubs this week).
So Lilly wasn;t dead at the end, why was she calling out for her mother
Perhaps it was a near death experience or her mother was on her mind or she just wanted her mother. Not sure, but I do think it was in there to make things seem more dire for Lil. This way, we're all stewing over the long summer break!
Wow-just found your blog while surfing for "OMG is she leaving Cold Case" on the web! Rocking deconstruction and I agree. While I didn't think of the whole Scotty & Lilly pairing, until tonight, I always wondered why her baggage just didn't allow Lilly to have some measure of happiness-as a normalcy thing. Anyway, I look forward to more of your postings...
This season finale episode was chock full of the wow factor! The music was excellent and added so much to the episode. I'm not at all worried about our Lil. She'll pull through. There's no CC without her.
Damn right. It was a really great episode--a true thriller. Not the best episode this season (there were so many excellent ones) but it definitely made an impression. And a VERY different one from last year's. Phew.
what was the song they played at the end "Sleep well" "You have stolen my heart"???? who sings this? anyone no?
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