The Scrubies!!!
"Pregnant women are among a select group of people who are actually allowed to act insane much like sports mascots, local weather men, theme park performers and that guy with the question mark jacket who teaches people how to get free money from the government." Dr. Cox to JD after learning what Kim did to him
"Let me phrase my response in the form of a riddle: What's black and white and should never ever, ever be allowed inside of a hospital?" Dr. Cox to JD and Turk after JD ask for his advice on a case
"It's got to have a bathroom with a bidet because I can not wear my going out thong if I have sand in my patootie." Eliot to JD while they were researching honeymoon locales online
"I've seen The Wiggles live in concert. Twice." Dr. Cox to JD regarding how a baby changes everything in your life
"Did they perform 'Big Red Car'?" Turk to Dr. Cox
"They opened and closed the show with it. It was awesome." Dr. Cox
"Keith, it's impossible to fit all of the Dudemeisters at one table without our wedding looking like Octoberfest! Plus, when our families met last month, my mom ended up doinking your Uncle Ronald in our basement." Eliot to Keith on why their families can't sit together at the wedding
"Jordan, here's some things I'd rather see happen then dinkus over there becoming the godfather: a nuclear war, a sequel to 'Hope Floats,' Hugh Jackman winning an Oscar..." Dr. Cox
"Yeah, yeah. Funny long list. We get it. You need a new thing, big guy." Dr. Kelso interrupting
"What, you gonna get all up in Jesus' face cause he don't have his shirt on?" Turk to Carla after she got mad at him for wearing a bloody scrub top to Dr. Cox's daughter's christening
Well there you have it - the last edition of the Scrubies of the season. But don't worry because when Scrubs returns next season, so too will the Scrubies. If you have a line that you would like to nominate for a Scrubie, be sure to leave me a comment and I'll publish it in a future edition. If you missed this hilarious outing, check it out on iTunes. The picture in this edition is courtesy of nbc.com.
Be sure to pick up your copy of the 5th season of Scrubs on DVD this Tuesday (5/22)!!

1 comment:
Well, another great season of Scrubs comes to an end! I too would love to see JD and Eliot eventually end up together. By the way, how cute is Carla and Turk's baby Issie?!? Looking forward to the Scrubies next season.
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