#1 "Here's a novel idea. Why don't you go fetch me a very large cut of coffee with so damn many fake sugars that the coffee itself gets cancer." Dr. Cox to "Coffee Bucks" employee
#2 "That's going to be a little rough on my scooter." JD after learning that Kim got a job in Tacoma, Washington
#3 "You're like a prostitute that gets paid up front then bolts from the restaurant after dinner." Dr. Kelso to Elliot after she left for private practice
#4 "Look, I know you all curl up on your futons at night dreaming of cracking a real-life medical mystery so that some doctor-slash-supermodel will want to touch your eruption button." Dr. Cox to his interns after they referenced television doctors
#5 "Nice singlet. Does it come in hetero?" JD to Keith after Keith whipped out his high school wrestling uniform
#6 "Or taking advice from a big Hollywood movie star and the dead science fiction writer he worships. You need to get some help." Jordan to Carla on her PPD
#7 "You have been wrong about so many things that I'm not even going to say something's wrong anymore. Instead, I'm going to say it's 'Dorian.'" Dr. Cox to JD
#8 "Jordan, the boy already lip-syncs into your tampons. Must we put the final nail in his tiny gay coffin?" Dr. Cox regarding his son
#9 "Ah Billy. After the Arctic and Pacific, you're my favorite Ocean." JD after hearing Billy Ocean's "Caribbean Queen" on his scooter's radio
#10 "Oh my god!! How hard is it for you to use a frickin' coaster you frickin' frickety frick??!! Eliot to Keith
#11 "Damn trannies got me in my sleep!" Dr. Kelso after returning from his trip with a full head of braids
#12 "Nothing ever changes. The Artist Formerly Known as Prince is still just Prince, my ex-wife is still pretty much my wife, 'Grey's Anatomy' always wraps up every episode with some cheesy voiceover that ties together all of the story lines, which incidentally is my least favorite device on television, Newbie continually will try to violate my no touching policy, and Republicans will forever try to raise [JD interrupts his speech with a "sneak hug"]... Of course, I would go kill him right now, but he actually just helped to prove my point." Dr. Cox to Eliot after she insists that people change
#13 "Bull dinky! Perry Cox. 6'1." A buck 85 after lunch." Dr. Cox to Laverne after she quotes the bible
#14 "You know Laverne if this were a horror flick, I'd be so scared that I was next. They always kill the black folks off first." Turk to a comatose Laverne
#15 "I'm glad it's not Marg. It would not end well. Hell hath no fury like a Helgenberger scorned." Janitor (regarding actress Marg Helgenberger) after thinking that Dr. Cox's "starts with an M and ends with an R" clue was referring to the CSI actress
#16 "Lloyd, you're 40 years old and a delivery man, so you should be suffering from a pretty severe case of the Where-did-I-go-wrong-sies." Dr. Cox to his patient
#17 "Now it's really over." Turk to Dr. Cox while they were sending their hypochondriac patient back and forth
"Oh yeah? What'd you do, kill him?" Dr. Cox
#18 "I've seen The Wiggles live in concert. Twice." Dr. Cox to JD regarding how a baby changes everything in your life
"Did they perform 'Big Red Car'?" Turk to Dr. Cox
"They opened and closed the show with it. It was awesome." Dr. Cox
#19 "You know what? Make it 22 fries." JD ordering at the drive thru after band member Miguel wouldn't stop playing the drums.
"22 fries. You didn't think I'd do it, did you?" JD to Miguel after he ordered fries for everyone except him
#20 "Let's cut to the chase Freak Show. If you're a 44 year old man wearing a jumpsuit and you are not climbing into the cockpit of a rocket ship, chances are you made a lot of wrong turns along the way. Good talk." Dr. Kelso to Janitor
Now, it's your turn to decide which quote you think was the best of the season. Simply vote in the poll below, and I'll reveal the results next week! So, which Scrubs quote deserves the Best/Most Awesome/Funniest Line/Exchange of the Year Ultimate Scrubie? Click your choice below.
1 comment:
That wss a tough decision!
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