It's hard to believe that another awesome season of television has come to an end, but that means that PTR's summer-long countdown of the Best Episodes of the Season is just beginning! Last year's countdown was a big hit, so these episodes have some big shoes to fill. With another first-rate year, I'm confident that they'll be able to do it. First though, we have to go over the rules for the countdown. I ended up with 30 incredible episodes that demonstrate the diversity and quality of the current television state. All of the shows and their episodes are from NETWORK television only, meaning that I did not take any cable series into consideration (since I only watch a few and felt that it would be unfair). All episodes aired between September 2006 and June 2007. Each episode that made the final list moved me in some way; either by making me laugh out loud, cry my eyes out or just left me with that "wow" feeling that stays with you for a few days. So basically, it's completely subjective! Since this is a summer-long countdown to the number 1 episode, I will reveal a few each week all summer. So, be sure to tune in every Thursday to find out which episodes are on the countdown! Today, we're going to take a look at numbers 30-28.
30: "All the Saints, Sinners" -
Without a Trace
This episode reminded us of how small a world it is, but at the same time, how isolated we can become in it. Martin searches for a missing woman who disappears after an alleged exorcism. But this one isn't all pea soup and crazy staircases. Turns out, the victim may be suffering from a mental illness and not the effects of a possessed demon. Further more, Martin knew the missing girl, but he can't remember her. She was an intern at the FBI, and he has the picture to prove it. When things take a turn for the worse, emotions run high as we're reminded of how we can be an island too much of the time. Written by Jose Molina and directed by Martha Mitchell.
29: "The Headless Witch in the Woods" -
BonesMix film students, a
Blair Witch-style horror film and the zany-ness that only
Bones can bring, and what do you get? A stellar hour from this light-hearted crime drama. Somehow, things are just filled with more character at the fictional Jeffersonian Institute, but that doesn't mean that these cases can't move us in some way as well. This one managed to do just that by having us watch as Brennan was shaken to her core by her own bad judgment. After making a connection with the victim's brother, she's disturbed to learn that he's responsible for his sibling's murder. If a seasoned investigator isn't able to read the signs, what hope is there for the rest of us? Watching Bones question her intuition gave this one the extra punch to put it on this year's list. Written by Stephen Nathan and Karine Rosenthal and directed by Tom Wharmby.
28: "6 Months Ago" -
Because the characters that we know and love as heroes weren't always trying to save the world, it was fun and informative to see where they were just 6 months prior to the premiere. Sure, Claire was just your typical confused teen, but things were a bit more complicated as she tried to grasp her indestructible ability. Niki was dealing with her estranged father while Peter was just graduating from nursing school. But the hour's most interesting revelation came when Mohinder's father recruited watch repairman Sylar for his test subject study. Talk about the beginning of the end! Just another shocking hour for a show with a lot of tricks up its sleeve. Written by Aron Eli Coleite and directed by Allan Arkush.
So, there's a look at the first set of episodes on the countdown. What do you think? Do you agree? Disagree? Leave me a comment with your thoughts. And be sure to tune in next Thursday for #27-25 on the list.
DON'T FORGET!!! Vote for your favorite
Scrubs quote of the season in
PTR's Best of the Scrubies Poll!
I really can't remember that WAT episode and I don't think I had started watching Heroes yet to have seen that 6-month episode. I'll take your word for it though. I'd like to know how you remember these episodes.
I'm in full agreement about the Bones episode. Loved it. They just aired it about two weeks ago around here. Haven't watched WAT all year though... and I AM sorry. Maybe I'll catch the reruns.
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