All right, the boys had their moment. Now it's time to let the girls shine! There are so many Cannot Live Without-worthy females that I have to condense a few of them. It doesn't mean that I love them any less, just that my cup of fabulous female characters runeth over. Of course, the important part is that they made the list! And now without further adieu, here's a look at PTR's Cannot Live Without Characters (Girls-Just-Want-to-Have-Fun edition).
Tami Taylor (
Friday Night Lights)
Played by Connie Britton

Like her TV husband, Mrs. Coach Taylor is one of my faves. She's real and she serves as the grounding force for her big-time coach husband. As they say, behind every great man is a great woman and this couldn't be truer for these two. Eric wouldn't be the coach that he is without Tami backing him up and being his rock. But Tami isn't resting on her supporting role laurels. She's a guidance counselor at the high school, and the kids depend on her to keep them on track for their futures. She cares about these kids, especially Tyra. Maybe it's because she knows what goes on in Tyra's home or she just sees a little bit of herself in Tyra, but something has her determined to broaden this teen's horizons. Her work is so important that she wasn't willing to leave it behind for a better opportunity for her husband in Austin. And when she's not helping the students, she's guiding her own daughter through the rocky roads of dating and peer pressure. It's a lot, but it's all in a day's work for Coach Taylor's better half.
Veronica Mars (
Veronica Mars)
Played by Kristen Bell

Saying goodbye to Veronica is the most difficult part of losing VM. She is one of those rare teen characters who appeals to everyone. She's the underdog we root for, the tough chick who gets her heart broken just as easily as the rest of us, the girl who would do anything for a friend (but don't get on her bad side or you may find yourself at the other end of her taser gun), and the smart PI who outwits the sheriff every time she gets the chance (R.I.P Lamb). And we won't forget those most excellent one-liners, which so beautifully captured the essence of this intelligent series. Veronica may not have the trust fund or the showy car like her Neptune counterparts, but she has the most heart and best resources to crush those who cross her.
Lilly Rush (
Cold Case)
Played by Kathryn Morris

You guys know I adore Lilly. She's so beautifully flawed and intricate that the writers could string us along for 5 more seasons and I'd still be waiting with baited breath for every small detail of her past (in fact, I'm hoping they do). How can one person be so confident, so strong in the interrogation room while facing down murderers, child rapists, and other unsavory types, but such a complete mess with men, family and love? She's a walking contradiction, and yet, it works. It makes since that Lilly Rush would channel her strength for something that doesn't require her to give with the chance of not having it reciprocated. She has been hurt, left and damaged so much that it has stripped a bit of her humanity when she's outside the security of those interrogation walls. Will that ever change? In some ways it has, and in others it may have gotten worse. As Bruce Springsteen sang, "One step up and two steps back."
Eliot Reid (
Played by Sarah Chalke - OCD+Frick= HILARIOUS!
Lorelei Gilmore (
Gilmore Girls)
Played by Lauren Graham - BEST. MOM. EVER!!! 'Nough said.
Well, there you have it: the female characters that PTR Cannot Live Without. Who makes your list? Leave me a comment with your essentials. Today's list concludes the Cannot Live Without editions of PTR. BUT, be sure to tune in next week for more coverage of your favorite shows beginning with The Best of the Scrubies on Monday. And coming Thursday.... (drum role please)... the beginning of the 2nd annual summer-long countdown of PTR's Best Episodes of the '06-'07 Season!!! Which episodes will make the list this year? What will be #1?? Tune in each week beginning one week from today for PTR's most popular countdown.
Mmm, another hard one after the obvious Veronica Mars. I'd give the first and second runner ups to Tyra Collette (Friday Night Lights), and Joy (My Name Is Earl).
VM of course. Loralea Gilmore, without a doubt. Lily Rush goes without saying. I would have to add some of my favorite docs over at Seattle Grace Hospital. They would be Christina Yang,Izzy Stevens, and last but certainly not least, Dr. Bailey. These women rock!!
If this list had been comprised a couple of years ago, my number one choice would have to have been Maxine Gray. She is my all-time favorite character on tv ever. I still mourn her loss.
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