PTR Senior Staff Writer
That summed up our whole Dexter hooded/bound/captured-in-the-trunk routine that we thought was going to be so ominous last week for Dex. Turns out it was a "pretend" kidnap on the part of the squad to get him to his bachelor party.
The good news is that out of that whole gotcha moment, Dexter confesses to Harry that he blew it with Miguel Prado. Really, Dex? You don't say. Ironic Harry actually confesses himself to being proud of Dex for trying to have a "friend."
Can't say I agree, but that's OK.
Freakin' finally.
I wish I could say good riddance, but then we wouldn't have a season finale next week, would we?
As if we need more Miguel Prado from BEYOND the grave, or some sort of last laugh on his elevator ride down to hell, it seems as though the last of the psycho Prado brothers, Ramon, was hired by Miguel as a bodyguard to "protect" him from Dexter given things had gone considerably south with their BFF routine. Now that Miguel turns up dead, well ... should it come as any surprise Ramon is going to take that a little personally next week? Or put Dexter in his crosshairs?
Uh, no.
Hat trick, anyone?
I feel like Dexter is going to have to off all three of the Prado brothers before this season is through. Needless to say, next week will begin another tap dance on the part of Dexter Morgan to look cool while in the line of fire. Have to say I'm hoping the use of the Tree Trimmer killer's MO as cover for offing Miguel WILL hold up. And yet, is it bad that I think we're going to have some sort of closing scene straight out of Carrie, with Miguel's hand reaching up from the grave trying to pull Dex down?
Just. Go. Away. Miguel.
On the Deb front this week, I am SO bummed she and Anton appear to be over. Not. Cool. So much intensity, passion and genuine you-got-me-I-got-you thing happening that I'm rolling my eyes at ANY suggestion there is going to be a Deb/Quinn hook-up.
As much as I like Quinn as Deb's partner on the job, I'm not feeling him for partner off the job.
And for the umpteenth time, can I just say Jennifer Carpenter rocks. The scene where Dex is forced to confess to her that her perfect vision of Harry shouldn't be so perfect given he stepped out on mom with one of his CI's ... genius. I was completely transfixed by her expression - the transition from irritation, to shock, to pain to having to walk in and interview Anton.
You go, girl. Can we nominate her for something - Golden Globe? Emmy? Something?
And am I the only one who thinks the wedding is NOT going to happen? Like, some strange event is going to occur that prevents it from going on? And is it bad that I actually prefer Rita and Dexter UN-married?
Normally, I'm so amped to see how the season ends. This year, I'm just kind of waiting for it to be over.
The third season finale of Dexter airs next Sunday at 9 p.m. on Showtime. Check out the official Dexter Web site for the inside scoop on the series.
1 comment:
I finally caught up on Dexter!! Anyway, I ended up really liking the Miguel story line, but I was glad to see him go. He ended up being way more psychotic than Dexter.
I loved that scene with Deb as well. Brilliant performance. I'm rooting for her and Anton too.
And like you, I'm not so sure that this wedding is going to happen. I'm definitely skeptical.
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